 | Trite pati |  | Rachenitsa |  | Kutsata |  | Rachenik |  | Ispaiche |  | Kiustendilsko horo |  | Kopcheto |  | Kasap |  | Tilalin vika 2/4 |  | Hei, Stanko |  | Kukunesh |  | Na zelena morava |  | Krivo horo |  | Aftanska rachenitsa |  | Zapeli sa dva sleveya |
12 results, 2 pages |
Folk Tours |
31 Mar 2012
- 6 Apr 2012
Prague – Berlin – Paris – Nuremberg – Decin
The Festival -tour performances - Sympathy of Euro Parks
Dear friends ,
We invite you to participate in the The Festival -tour performances in the different Euro parks & city’s for the Laureates of the Festivals and new participants.The Sympathy of Euro Parks(Prague – Berlin – Paris – Nuremberg – Decin). From 31st. of March to 6th. of April 2012 Registration deadline 10th. of January; From 5th. of May to 10th. of May 2012 -Registration deadline 28th. of February; From 30th. of May to 6th. of July 2012 -Registration deadline 15th. of March;From 31st. of October to 6th. of November 2012 -Registration deadline: 20th.of September. FREE ENTRANCY FOR PARTICIPANTS TO PARIS DISNEYLAND!
Non-competitive Festival for the participants from 9 to 18 years in the groups of at least 21 participants, including a minimum of 10 performers is held in the following categories: Choreography – groups (folk -ethnic dance, classic – neo-classic dance, Modern Jazz, Tap, Variety Dance, formation in Ballroom & Latin-American dance , disco dance large and small formation, Hip-Hop, Acrobatic Dance ); Musical Theatres Singing (folk, academic, variety, jazz, pop) – groups and choirs ; Singing for the students of music schools (folk, academic, variety) – groups and choirs; Folk instruments – groups (large and small), orchestras ; Instrumental music – groups (Chamber Orchestras, Symphonic Wind Ensembles, Brass orchestras and others)
For further information don’t be hesitate to contact us.We are looking forward to meet you in the Czech Republic! Organization board : ENDOWMENT FUND INTERNATIONAL FORUM OF YOUTH - Tatarkova 733/2, 149 00 Praha 4. Сzech Republic Tel: +420 222 240 697, Tel/ Fax: +420 246 037 341 , Fax: + 420 267 911 783E-mail: festival@praha-cz.net ; www.children-festivals.com ; www.plein- air.cz; www.advent-in-prague.cz

Anastasia Drbalova
Workshops |
23 Feb 2013
- 1 Mar 2012
At the Chalet des Alpes, France
Workshop on dances from Bulgaria, Macedoia and Serbia
Folk dance and music workshop "Gones‘ Balkans"
Reception: It opens on Saturday, 23th February at 2 p.m. There will be an introduction to the programme at 6 p.m followed by a welkome drink. The workshop closes on 1st March after lunch.
Dances classes: From 24th February in the morning to 1st March at noon (except for a one day excursion). There will be 6 hours of dancing everyday from 8.30 to 12.00 in the morning and from 3.30 p.m. to 7.00 p.m. in the afternoon.
Excursion: For one day we plan an excursion , exploring the surrounding area.
Evenings: Every evening, our dance teachers and their musicians will offer us the possibility to dance. There will be a party animated by the trainees and also a special party
Dance teachers:
Boris DIMITROV, former dancer of the group Zornitsa from Sofia. He currently directs the association Balkanfolk, which amongst other activities, organizes dance workshops in Bulgaria.
He will be accompanied by accordeon player Danail Totev.
Saško ANASTASOV, director of the group Vila Zora in Veles, a town situated south of Skopje.
He will be accompanied by a musician.
Vladimir TANASIJEVIĆ, from Belgrade, former dancer of the groups «Serojno Užice», «Kolo», and «Branko Krsmanovič». He has been the artistic director of the latter group for several years.
He will be accompanied by the accordeon player, Aleksandar
The deadline for enrolment is: 31st October 2012.
The attached enrolment form has to be filled in and sent with a check on 150 € deposit for the account of «La Ronde folklorique» to the following address:
9, allée Jean Marie PHILY
The check will be cashed in the beginning of December and a confirmation of your enrolment will be sent to you.
Organizers and Contacts
«La Ronde folklorique»
- e-mail: rondefolkloriquelyon@free.fr
- Website: www.larondefolklorique.com
For additional information call
The phone number of « la Ronde » :
00 33 6 75 95 94 40
Geneviève CIROVIC: 00 33 6 19 29 03 98
Flyer of Dance (French)
Flyer of Music (French)
Enrolment form of Dance (English)
Enrolment form of music (French)
Balkanfolk Calendar
12 results, 2 pages |
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