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Documentary movie “25 Years Ensemble Zornitsa”
Documentary movie “25 Years Ensemble Zornitsa”

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Documentary movie “25 Years Ensemble Zornitsa”
9 May 2008 - MSAT TV, Bulgaria

Generations change, the old pass their experience to the young, who with undying passion and interest continue to spread around the world the richness, color and magic of the Bulgarian traditional dance.

The dancers from ensemble “Zornitsa” are writing down step by step with golden letters in the history of the Bulgarian folklore.

The story does not end after 25 years, the story goes on!

Watch on the 9th of May from 21:45 h the premier of the documentary movie “25 Years Ensemble Zornitsa” on MSAT television.

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Ralitsa Iotova

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10 May 2008, Reneta Veleva comment in English

Пак съм аз!!! Ако знаете дали ще има повторение моля ви пишете.
10 May 2008, Reneta Veleva comment in English


За огромно съжаление не успях да гледам филма :-(
През декември за концерта на ансамбъла билетите бяха свършили много бързо, сега също не успях.

Споделете мнение ако сте гледали филма.

Моля ви ако някой го е записал да ми каже, искам го на всяка цена.

Успех на танцьрите и техния ръководител!!!

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