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An event of the ‘Gamza’ dance formation

‘Gamza’ dance formation from the village of Novo selo will take part in the meeting of the inhabitants of Novo selo, which will take place in the National Palace of Culture in Sofia on 22 February 2008 from 7 pm. The meeting has been an annual event for 50 years.

19 February 2008 - National Palace of Culture, Sofia
милена борисова
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Младежки конкурсен фестивал на изкуствата

Младежкият конкурсен фестивал на изкуствата се организира за четвърти път под мотото "Да пеем - да се надпяваме, да свирим - да се надсвирваме, да играем - да се надиграваме” от „Асоциация Български Фолклор”, “Еврогрейд” ООД със съдействието на Столична община. Той ще се проведе в Дом на културата „Средец” гр. София от 18 - 20 април 2008 г.

Фестивалът е част от поредица мероприятия, сред които Международна лятна академия на изкуствата (07.06 - 27.08. 2008 г.), в рамките на която се провежда и Международен фолклорен фестивал, през месец август в гр. Приморско (27.08 - 31.08 2008 г.)

14 February 2008 - София, Дом на културата „Средец”
Димитър Тодоров
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Happy St.Valentine's Day

Dear friends,

Happy St.Valentine's Day.

You are wellcome to the first international Carnival of Lira Group Dance Company on February, 14th in Sofia - Bulgaria, 17 Yanko Sakazov Str.

13 February 2008 - Bulgaria, Sofia
Loretta Dimitrova
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Multicultural Festival Canberra - 2008

The Multicultural festival of Canberra (from 8 to 17 February) will welcome a Bulgarian group for a third time in the capital of Australia

This year’s performance of Bulgarian might be determined as “a folklore tornado” of dances, music and songs from all parts of Bulgaria.

Upon the personal invitation of Mr. Domenic MICO – Artistic Director National Multicultural Festival, Bulgarian ensemble “Varna” will perform folklore dances of different regions of Bulgaria, as well as Kukeri dance, a thing that has never happened at the festival before.

8 February 2008 - Canberra, Australia
Boris Dimitrov
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Trifon Zarezan (St. Trifon the Pruner), folk-wise

The most triumphant for the natural forces ritual is called Trifon Zarezan because all vine-growers perform the first pruning of the vineyards. In this, the men are accompanied by the women, the young and the kids. They all go together to their piece of land to show their respect to it and inspire it for a new life with the first agricultural ritual during the new year, with festive songs and dances, with a ritual table laid among the vineyards. The first pruned vine sticks will be wreathed into a crown for the best vine-grower in the village. He will be proclaimed the "Vine King" of the year.

1 February 2008 - Bulgaria
Balkanfolk site
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European Year of Intercultural Dialogue 2008

The festive evening was opened by the speeches of Dr Danilo Tϋrk, the President of the Republic of Slovenia, Ján Figel', the European Commissioner for Education, Training, Culture and Youth, Dr Hans-Gert Pöttering, the President of the European Parliament, Dr Edvard Kovač, professor of ethics and cultural anthropology and Janez Janša, Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia. The grand opening culminated in a colourful artistic programme featuring poetry reading and musical performances as well as short films and modern dance. At the end of the opening event, hundreds of school children carrying their luggage, as if on a journey, filled the stage accompanied by the musical performance of an 11-year-old violinist.

30 January 2008 - Ljubljana, Slovenia
Balkanfolk site
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The Festival of Masquerade Games Starts on 25 January

On 25 January the town of Pernik officially opens the 17th international festival of masquerade games, the municipality of the town announced. 40 international groups from 13 countries will take part: Macedonia, North Ireland, Slovenia and even far India and many others. The expected number of participants is 5,000. The Bulgarian masquerade tradition will be presented by 90 groups, coming from different parts of the country. There will be a parade on 26 and 27 January on the central square at Pernik.

8 January 2008 - Pernik, Bulgaria
Boris Dimitrov
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  Balkanormandie - Balkan dances in France

For the first time the association "Ronde folklorique" de Rouen, France is organising a long Balkan dance seminar.

At that occasion she has invited the best coregraohers from Bulgaria - Boris Dimitrov, Macedonia - Sasko Anastasov and Serbia - Vladimir Tanasijevich. together with there musiciens, Danail Totev from Bulgaria, Stojan Stojanov from Macedonia and Aleksandar Smrekic from Serbia.

29 December 2007 - Houlgate, France
Olivier Fosse
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  International Folklore Forum MALTA – 2008

From 24 December 2007 to 4 January 2008 twenty soloist of the ‘Kukeri’ folklore group from the town of Rousse will represent Bulgaria at the big international folklore venue MALTA – 2008. The competition is organized by Malta’s Ministry of Culture and a few other international organizations. A total of 18 ensembles from Europe, Asia, Africa and South America will take part.

21 December 2007 - Malta
Balkanfolk Team
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Christmas party of Lira Group Dance Company

Dear friends, as you already know, the Christmas party of Lira Group Dance Company will take place on Thursday, December 20th at 7 pm. The Christmas tree “Lira” is waiting for your toys. Here in brief the agenda:

7:00 – 7:30 pm decoration of the Christmas tree “Lira”, every one of you will hang his toy onto the Christmas tree and according to an Old Bulgarian Custom the eldest will place instead of a toy the Christmas star on top of the tree. At 7:30 pm the lights will go on.

7:30 – 8 pm official part – every group will dance the learned for the past 6 months:

20 December 2007 - Sofia, 7 Yanko Sakazov Str.
Loretta Dimitrova
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451 results, 46 pages | 38


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