JUBILEE CONCERT - "30 Years Zornitsa Folklore Ensemble" |
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JUBILEE CONCERT - "30 Years Zornitsa Folklore Ensemble"
6 April 2011 - National Palace of Culture on June 11th, 2011 at 7 p.m.
JUBILEE CONCERT - 30 YEARS "Zornitsa" Folklore Ensemble, Sofia, Bulgaria The concert will be held at the National Palace of Culture, Hall 1 on June 11th, 2011 at 7 p.m. "Zornitsa" Folklore Ensemble was founded in 1981 by art director/choreographer Emil Genov. To this day he has dedicated his life to the ensemble which consists of singers and young people who are intelligent, talented and devoted to Bulgarian folk dances.
The repertoire consists of dances from all ethnographic regions of Bulgaria and the professional orchestra "Zornitsa" accompanies the dancers with mastery and love.
The ensemble has particpated in many concerts and festivals within Bulgaria and abroad and has won many prizes.
Ticket prices Lev.10, Lev.12 and Lev.15
Please contact Anna Travali for information and reservations/tickets. email: annatravali@hotmail.com
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