Nedko Bogdanov - аccordion |
Nedko Bogdanov was born in 1974. He started playing the accordeon when he was three. Later he finished the musical school for clarinet in the town of Kardjali, and in 1988 he was nerolled in the Philip Koutev Secondary School of Music, where he studied the kaval. Nedko Bogdanov has been working with a lot of wedding orchestras and at the same time he still devoted to playing the accordion. He has a clearly expressed feeling for harmony, which adds to his arrangements a specific character. Nedko has also arranged played in 3 of the albums of Dimitar Bogdanov. |
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| Krivo horo | | Megdanskata | | Pravo kermensko | | Forest thick with leaves | | Dalgoto | | Lyaski | | Strandjansko horo | | Dunavsko horo | | Grancharsko horo | | Breznishko |