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Manol Todorov
Prof Manol Todorov is a well-known ethnomusicologist in Bulgaria and abroad, a notable scientist, pedagogue, and theoretician in the area of Balkan and some Arabic people’s musical folklore. As an ethnomusicologist he has specialized organologia. He has had great success not only in this field but also in Bulgarian choreography.

His mother is Atanaska Todorova, who is a Bulgarian folklore singer and performer of Thrace. Therefore he was brought up with Bulgarian folklore songs. Manol Todorv is engaged in Bulgarian musical folklore form his early ages; he grows up and develops his skills surrounded by musical folklore. He starts playing the violin at the age of 6 and the piano when he is 12. In this way, along with Bulgarian music language – traditional music he studies west European classical language as well. At the age of 14, as his mother insists, Prof Manol Todorov starts learning the Bulgarian traditional music instrument gadoulka. Later, on the initiative of Atanaska Todorova a trio is formed of the traditional instruments kaval, gadoulka and tamboura, which accompanies the songs of the singer. No matter at the age of 16 Prof Manol Todorov is the leader of the trio called ‘Trakiiskata troika’. ‘Trakiiskata troika’ very soon becomes famous and the favourite instrumeantal group of Bulgarians through ‘Sofia’ Radio.

Prof Todorov graduates from the Bulgarian Music Academy “Pancho Vladigerov” in the class of violin, theoretical disciplines and folklore. His teacher is the notable Bulgarian scientist Prof Stoyan Dzhudzhev, whose assistant becomes later Mr. Todorov.

Prof Manol Todorov has had great public activity – as a member in juries of some of the biggest folklore fairs and competitions. He has also organized a lot of national competitions for performers of Bulgarian songs in the towns of Tervel, Karnobat, Chirpan, Sliven, Nova Zagora, Tvarditza and the villages Elenovo, Dren and others. He has also taken part in the juries in a lot of international festivals and conferences all around the world. He cooperates with Bulgarian National TV and Radio in folklore fields and has produced a lot of documentaries on ethnographical regions of Bulgaria. Moreover, he often publishes articles in Bulgarian press. In fact he has published a lot of science essays and books – a book about folklore instruments, the first book about Bulgarian folklore music (seven editions in all), books about Bulgarian choreography. Here are some of them:

'Bulgarian folklore orchestra', Sofia, Nauka i Izkustvo, 1957
'Instructions for playing the gadoulka', Sofia, 1957
'Bulgarian folklore music', Nauka i Izkustvo, Sofia 1959
'Choreographer's music instructions', Nauka i Izkustvo, 1960
'Bulgarian Folklore Music', Nauka i Izkustvo, 1963
'For the structure and the form of Bulgarian non-measured folklore songs', 'Bulgarian Music' magazine, edition 6, 1965
'Bulgarian folklore music', Nauka i Izkustvo, Sofia 1966
'Bulgarian folklore music', Nauka i Izkustvo, Sofia 1976
'Bulgarian folklore music instruments'volume 1 - organ logia, Sofia, Nauka i Izkustvo, 1973
'Bulgarian folklore music for the choreographer', Narodna Prosveta, Sofia, 1989
'The singer from Chirpan', University edition 'Stopanstvo', Sofia, 1996
'Bulgarian folklore song and musical education of pupils'
'99 Bulgarian wedding songs', head organization 'Music', Sofia, 1990
'Atlas of Bulgarian traditional music folklore' (to be published)
'Instrumental ensembles in Bulgarien'
'Gadulka v Bolgarii'
'Coutumes sur la sauvegarde des animaux domestiques'
'Studia instrumentorum musicae popularis', volume 2,
Musikhistoriska museet, Stockholm, 1972
'Folklore musical instruments and instrumental music',
Sovetskii kompozitor, Moscow, 1988

Univ. Prof. Manol Todorov received a lot of awards for his work in Bulgarian dance folklore. Some of the most important are:
“Golden Lyre” from the Union of Bulgarian Musicians and Dancers, Bulgaria
Golden Medal “Kapitan Petko Voivoda”
“Kiril I Metodi” Ist degree medal
In 1998 Prof. Todorov is nomibated for “Man of the year” in the United States.
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