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Mezdra will host the First National Folklore Festival "Hortseto na defileto"

The First National Folklore Festival ""Hortseto na Defileto" (Dance of the Gorge)" will be held on September 12, 2020 in the town of Mezdra - Bulgaria. The event is part of the festive program to mark the 70th anniversary of the declaration of Mezdra as a city and is included by the Ministry of Culture in the initiative "European Heritage Days", which will be titled: "Europe, a common heritage".

24 August 2020 - Mezdra, Bulgaria
Boris Dimitrov
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New song by Iva Davidova - "Mario, cherko"

The Bulgarian singer Iva Davidova presented a new song "Mario, cherko" (Mario, daughter) on the day of the Great Mother of God. In it, the established singer partners with the talented Maria-Magdalena Yordanova.

20 August 2020 -
Boris Dimitrov
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photos: 6    comments: 0
Admission of students to the National School of Dance Arts

On 30.08.2020 there will be an additional reception of students at the National School of Dance in the specialties "classical dance", "Bulgarian dances" and "modern dance".

7 August 2020 - NUTI - National School of Dance Arts
Boris Dimitrov
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Bulgarian music in the world music platforms

BalkanFolk has started publishing its rich collection of music for Bulgarian dances on world music platforms.

The music represents all folklore regions of Bulgaria with their rhythmic diversity.

1 August 2020 - World Wide
Boris Dimitrov
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"TOGETHER 2020" with the Trakia and Strandzha Ensembles

Trakia Folklore Ensemble - Plovdiv and Strandzha Folklore Ensemble - Burgas, again invite the residents and guests of Plovdiv to the concert-spectacle "TOGETHER 2020".

The event will take place on August 10 at 20.00 on the stage of the Ancient Theater - Plovdiv.

23 July 2020 - Ancient Theater, Plovdiv
Boris Dimitrov
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The songs of the folk singer Rumyana Dimitrova

We present you the songs of the Bulgarian folk singer Rumyana Dimitrova included in the disc "Two brides - Bulgarian folk songs"

In addition, you can hear the songs on the YouTube channel of Balkanfolk, where you will also find dance music.
Lyrics of the song "Mari Stoyne"

12 July 2020 - Bulgaria
Boris Dimitrov
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24th International Folklore Festival Vitosha - Web Edition

The 24th edition of the Vitosha International Folklore Festival will take place between July 15th and 18th in Sofia. The summer, colorful event of the capital, which we have enjoyed for many years, was faced with challenges, but also new opportunities.

That is why the organizers found a different solution, continuing the tradition in an innovative way - you will see this year's edition in Web version, which in accordance with the 24th edition, will be attended by 24 countries from five continents!

6 July 2020 - NDK - Sofia, Bulgaria
Boris Dimitrov
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comments: 0
Exhibition “Follow the Footsteps”

Take a virtual trip around Bulgaria by visiting the online exhibition “Follow the Footsteps”, created by Taratanci Foundation. The exhibition presents 34 posters with graphical representation of the footsteps of 34 Bulgarian folk dances from all folklore regions.

11 June 2020 - Internet
Boris Dimitrov
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photos: 7    comments: 0
Sleeves for women's shirt from the region of Sofia and Graovo

Balkanfolk Atelier has been sewing traditional Bulgarian costumes for over a decade now. What inspires us the most is the findings of tremendous embroideries in our grandmothers’ chests. We strive to recreate their beauty and keep the traditions.

8 May 2020 - Balkanfolk Atelier, Sofia, Bulgaria
Boris Dimitrov
read in: English Български
photos: 12    comments: 0
ШЕФА НА ТАНЦА - филм на Ники Шуманова

23 January 2020 -
Boris Dimitrov
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453 results, 46 pages | 4


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