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12 February 2009 -
Balkanfolk News
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Общински фолклорен ансамбъл Ловеч в Канбера
Отново е февруари, лято е и е време за традиционният многонационален фестивал в Канбера, столицата на Австралия.
Целта на фестивала е да се представят обичаите, традициите и изкуството на различните етнически групи, които съжителстват на територията на Канбера и околността.
Тази година България бе представена от Общински фолклорен ансамбъл Ловеч с главен художествен ръководител Валентин Барашки и представител на Китарен оркестър при читалище „Наука”, Ловеч с художествен ръководител и диригент Стефан Тихов. Това е единственият голям оркестър от акустични китари в България.
6 February 2009 - Канбера, Австралия
Boris Dimitrov
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Folklore Spectacle
Enjoy the vivid dances, songs, wonderful costumes and enthusiasm of the young guardians of folklore traditions!
More than 400 performers of folklore songs and dances will please the admirers of Bulgarian traditions with the spectacle entitled “Called Bulgarian”, which will be held in hall 1 of the National Palace of Culture on 4 February from 7:30 pm.
29 January 2009 - Sofia, National Palace of Culture, Hall 1
Boris Dimitrov
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Над 100 000 гости на „Сурва 2009”
С шумно и пъстро дефиле и най-голямата маска, групата от Габров дол даде началото на извънредния брифинг за откриването на предстоящия международен фестивал на маскарадните игри в гр. Перник
Над 100 000 зрители се очакват на XVIII издание на СУРВА 2009, който ще се открие на 23 януари 2009 година пред Двореца на културата с пищен спектакъл „Магията на доброто”.
Милена Цанкова
23 January 2009 - Перник
Boris Dimitrov
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Self-learner’s Kit for Bulgarian Horos and Rachenitsa
From 26 November 2008 till Christmas Bulgarian newspapers Trud and 24 Hours will offer the collection “Self-learner’s Kit for Bulgarian Horos and Rachenitsa”
The kit consists of 5 DVDs for self-learners and CDs of the dance music of 25 of the most popular horos and rachenitsa from Misiya, Thrace, The Rhodopes, Pirin, Dobrudzha and Shope regions.
26 November 2008 - Bulgaria
Boris Dimitrov
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National Folk Fest "Rozhen 2009"
In the month of June 2009 is conducting one of the most significant events in Bulgaria in the field of folklore - the National Folk Fest "Rozhen 2009". Organizers of the event is Smolyan Municipality, in partnership with the Ministry of Culture, District Administration Smolyan, a number of agencies and institutions.
25 November 2008 - Pozhen, Bulgaria
Boris Dimitrov
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Punjab International Folk Dance Festival 2008
On November 25 2008. Lira Group Dance Company went on tour in northern India, Punjab province, on the invitation to participate in Folklore Festival. School was selected to present a program Bulgarian folk dances.
20 November 2008 - Punjab, India
Loretta Dimitrova
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Glossary of old Bulgarian words
The Bulgarian language is a vast treasure. Over the centuries has come to enrich the state in which each region has its expressions and phrases so-called dialects. Many of them have disappeared, others are still in use in the talks language.
A long time team site Bulgarian folk www.folklore-bg.com prepares for its readers Glossary old Bulgarian and dialectal words.
The dictionary is open to complete. We know that this is neobyatna matter and will be happy if you help us to supplement. Send us your suggestions (new words) of e-mail: folklorebg@yahoo.com
17 November 2008 - www.folklore-bg.com
Ivailo Parvanov
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San Francisco World Music Festival
The San Francisco World Music Festival will celebrate its Ninth Anniversary with an exciting gathering of some of the most interesting musicians in the world. “The San Francisco World Music Festival has a reputation for experimentation as an indirect call for cultures to share peace and understanding.” (The San Francisco Chronicle, 2004). For the past eight years, the San Francisco World Music Festival has commissioned musicians and artists from different countries to collaborate together to create a new evening-length performance as the centerpiece premiere of the festival.
10 November 2008 - San Francisco, USA
Balkanfolk Team
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Празник на Българското народно танцово изкуство
На 19.12.2008 год./петък/ от 14.00 часа в Голямата зала на Община Ямбол ще се проведе празник на Българското народно танцово изкуство по случай Коледните и Сурвакарски празници. Празникът има конкурсен характер.
Организатори на празника са: Община Ямбол, Общество за фолклор за югоизточна България и Младежки дом ”Георги Братанов” Ямбол.
8 November 2008 - Ямбол
Boris Dimitrov
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453 results, 46 pages |
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