453 results, 46 pages |
Documentary movie “25 Years Ensemble Zornitsa”
The dancers from ensemble “Zornitsa” are writing down step by step with golden letters in the history of the Bulgarian folklore.
The story does not end after 25 years, the story goes on!
Watch on the 9th of May from 21:45 h the premier of the documentary movie “25 Years Ensemble Zornitsa” on MSAT television.
9 May 2008 - MSAT TV, Bulgaria
Ralitsa Iotova
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Kонкурс за детска рисунка “Тъпан бие, хоро се вие” - победители
Халиме Ахмед Ахмед от СОУ “Св. Кирил и Методий”, с. Самуил, Област Разград и Снежана Росенова Димитрова от детски арт-клуб “Гея” към Общински детски комплекс, гр. Ловеч са победителите в международния конкурс за детска рисунка “Тъпан бие, хоро се вие”, организиран от Община Монтана.
На второ място се класирани Лидиа Мак Хо Йи от школа “Simply Art” – Хонконг, Китай, и Рудра Яйеш Кансара от Mudra School of Finearts – India.
На почетната трета позиция останаха Эла Гордиенко от Детската школа по изкуствата № 6 в гр. Владимир – Русия и Георги Петров Стефанов от Основно оздравително училище, гр. Берковица, Област Монтана.
9 May 2008 - Монтана, България
Boris Dimitrov
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Изложба живопис “Моми и звънци”
Днес 8 май в 19 часа в Галерия ТЕА се открива изложба – живопис на младия и талантлив български художник Вили Николов. Темата “Моми и звънци” обединява 27 платна, в които художникът създава един вечен и фантастичен свят, населяван от моми и момци, овчари и кукери, бели църкви и китни къщи, вакли овце и шарени петли.
8 May 2008 - София, България
Boris Dimitrov
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Folklore-BG Monthly Electronic Magazine
FOLKLORE-BG is the monthly electronic magazine for Bulgarian folklore. Each issue will present to you one of the best Bulgarian ensembles, one traditional custom, one of our beautiful horo dances and, of course, one delicious and typical Bulgarian dish. On the pages of FOLKLORE-BG you will find not only useful and interesting information about the folklore, but also video materials, traditional music and pictures from the beautiful Bulgaria. We will introduce to you dances and music from all regions of Bulgaria, stage dances, dances for the public, costumes and traditions – the color and essence of the folklore.
1 May 2008 - Bulgaria
Ivailo Parvanov
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Bulgarian vocal formation Divna publishes its first CD
The first CD of Bulgarian vocal formation Divna has been launched on musical market. It is a production of ‘Divna Art’ Company and financially supported by the State Agency For Youth and Sports. The CD’s cover is very impressive and stylish (arranged ethno motives escaping from the vivid colorfulness) as its conception for the repertoire is. As Galya Haralambieva put into words: ‘The idea is to make it lyrical, light and not overloading…make the listener feel like being about to start singing’.
25 April 2008 - Sofia, Bulgaria
Boris Dimitrov
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Bulgarian Folklore Song is a Little Miracle
During the Multinational festival in Canberra in February this year I had the chance to meet an exceptional Bulgarian. She was in Canberra for the only reason to see the performance of ‘Varna’ ensemble.
She is a woman having passed though an awful personal tragedy and despite this fact she is still strong enough to do her best to make the Bulgarian culture and folklore popular here, in the distant Australia.
16 April 2008 - Australia
Adriana Andreeva – Tabisz
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Bulgarian Folklore Heritage – Kosta Kolev
Gega New Music Company adds a new recording to its series entitled ‘Bulgarian Folklore Heritage’, a recording of songs and instrumental pieces by Kosta Kolev. Some of his most popular arrangements are included: ‘Haramiisko horo’, ‘Zaiko, kukuraiko’, ‘Kalimanku, Denaku mari’, ‘Lyulka se liulya, devoiko’, ‘Chie e tova momiche’, ‘Proviknal mi se e Nikola’, ‘Rossen, rossen’, ‘Krivo plovdivsko horo’, etc. The singers are the most famous Bulgarian performers: Kostadin Gugov, Yanka Rupkina, The Ensemble for Folklore Songs at Bulgarian National Radio, Kostadin Varimezov – gaida, Kaicho Kamenov, Nedyalka Keranova, Trakia ensemble from Plovdiv, Stoyan Velichkov – kaval, Boris Mashalov, Elena Bojkova, traditional orchestra at Bulgarian National Radio, Maria Leshkova, Boris Karlov – accordion, Verka Siderova, Rosa Tsvetkova, Nikola Ganchev – kaval and Kosta Kolev – accordion.
2 April 2008 - Bulgaria
Boris Dimitrov
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Kukeri celebration for a second time in Toronto
This year's Kukeri celebration turned out even better than last year's. Our mummers' group increased in numbers and gained experience in chasing away all things bad. We had twice as many guests, and we danced thrice as much. We wonder what it is going to be like next year.
We squeezed in a Dialect Evening, during which we spoke in and compared various Bulgarian dialects. The most incomprehensible ones proved to be the one from my father's village of Dobrich, near Haskovo, and the Shoppean dialect, proudly demonstrated by Mr. Todor Panchev from the town of Elin Pelin (you'll see Todor straining his neck towards the mike in one of the photos below). There were no competitors from such weird-speaking regions like the Strandja and the Rhodopes mountains. Let's hope those lands' sons stand up for their mothers' ways of speaking next year.
31 March 2008 - Toronto, Canada
Nedyalko Tilev
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75 Years of the Birth of Prof. Kiril Stefanov (1933-2005)
As the present chief artistic director of National Ensemble for Folklore Songs and Dances ‘Pirin’, Dimitar Hristov, would put it into words, 2008 would be a year dedicated to the 75th anniversary of maestro Kiril Stefanov’s birth. The beginning of a series of venues is on 27 March in his hometown Blagoevgrad. An anticipated seminar on the subject ‘Art and Life” will be held, a plaque will be unveiled on the façade of his house and a concert of the ensemble will be held in Yavorov Hall from 6.30 PM. Numerous concerts in different towns during the whole year are to be organised.
26 March 2008 - Bulgaria
Boris Dimitrov
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Children smiles lighten up a Cultural Club in Mladost 1, Sofia
Extremely happy mothers, grandmothers and grandfathers applauded the very first stage performance of the little dancers at Zornitsa Children’s Dance Ensemble. The occasion was the first anniversary of the group and it occurred thanks to the ambitious kids and of course due to the hard work of the young choreographer Ivaylo Parvanov, together with his assistant Dessislava Ivanova and the musician Ivaylo Kirov.
5 March 2008 - ‘Mladost’ Cultural Club, Sofia
Boris Dimitrov
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453 results, 46 pages |
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