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A Concert on the Occasion of the 25th Anniversary of “Martenica” Ensemble from Budapest

Today, “Balkan” dance ensemble at “Tsar Boris III” cultural club in Sofia came back from Budapest, where it was an official guest to a very special occasion – the 25th anniversary of the ensemble for Bulgarian folklore dances “Martenitsa”. On 20 October 2007 in the full hall of MOM in the Hungarian capital people spoke a unifying language – the language of Bulgarian folklore. No need to talk a lot, but just glance to the eyes of the dancers from “Martenitsa”, who showed pure love to Bulgarian folklore, to our traditions, to the temperament of the Bulgarians.

22 October 2007 - Budapest, Hungary
Detelina Sotirova
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Изложба "България страна на древни цивилизации" в Австралия.

Изложба «България страна на древни цивилизации» бе открита в Канбера, столицата на Австралия.

Това е втората историческа изложба, която дружество „Младост” прави в рамките на една година в Канбера.

След „Златни страници на българското средновековие” сега бе открита изложбата „България страна на древни цивилизации”.

14 October 2007 - Канбера, Австралия
Balkanfolk Team
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Over 3000 Participants in “Maleshevo Sings and Dances”

Over 3000 artists sang, danced and played music in the fourth international folklore festival “Maleshevo sings and dances”, held from 12 to 14 October in the village of Mikrevo, municipality of Strumyani. This year’s festival was under the patronage of the Bulgarian Prime-Minister Sergei Stanishev, Strumyani Municipality and “Old Bulgaria” Foundation announced.

Besides the Bulgarian performance, during the three festival days, the open stage in the village of Mirkovo showed ensembles and artists from Greece, Macedonia, Serbia, Turkey, The Czech Republic, Hungary, Georgia, Lithuania, Moldova, Belarus and Kosovo.

11 October 2007 - the village of Mikrevo, Bulgaria
Balkanfolk Team
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The Kukeri Festival “Surva” launches a new site

The new site of the International Masquerade Games “Surva” held in the town of Pernik, Bulgaria is ready. The new design and the very good structure of www.surva.org gives a wide range of information in Bulgarian and English about the history, the regulations and the forthcoming editions of the festival.

The application forms for participation in the 17th edition of the festival, which will be held from 25 to 27 January 2008, can be downloaded from the site, as well as finding a beautiful wallpaper of the festival for your monitor.

1 October 2007 - Pernik, Bulgaria
Boris Dimitrov
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Museums and Art Galleries Open Gratis

Days of open doors were announced from 28 to 30 September in Bulgaria. The cultural institutes provided for a free entrance on the occasion of European days of heritage in Bulgaria for the 9th time.

From 28 to 30 September National History Museum opened all halls. National Art Gallery showed its permanent exposition and the exhibitions of Rossitsa Stanisheva and Ivan Milev. A videowall in front of the gallery displayed documentaries connected to its activities.

28 September 2007 - Bulgaria
Boris Dimitrov
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New folk CD of Mladen Koynarov

The Gega New Publishers released a new album (Voice of the Rhodopes) with 19 songs performed by folk singer Mladen Koynarov, who has one of the most beautiful voices in the region of Rhodopes, South Bulgaria. The songs are accompanied by Georgi Mussorliev - gaida, Peter Yanev - gaida, orchestra of the “Rhodopa” Folk Songs and Dances Ensemble - Smolyan, Bulgarian National Radio Folk Music Orchestra. Conductors: Lazarin Kisyov, Dobrin Panayotov, Ivan Topalov, Kosta Kolev.

24 September 2007 - Sofia
Gega New
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VII International Folklore Festival "Integration"

From 13th to 20th August, 2007 the city of Poznan, Poland hosted the 7th International Folklore Festival "Integration" 2007.

This year participants in the festival were groups from 5 countries – Russia, Ukraine, Palestine, Bulgaria and Poland. The Bulgarian folklore was represented by student's folklore ensemble "Zornitsa", Sofia. The program of the festival included concerts and parades in four different towns – Leszno, Gniezno, Wronki and Poznan.

22 August 2007 - Poznan, Poland
Ralitsa Iotova
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Dobra Savova releases new CD with folk songs from Dobrudzha region

The Gega New Publishers released a new album (Esen se zaesenyava - Dobrudja Folk Songs) with songs performed by folk singer Dobra Savova, who has one of the most beautiful voices in the region of Dobrudzha, Northeastern Bulgaria. Dobrudzha is called the granary of Bulgaria. Many of the famous Bulgarian folk singers were born in that region: Verka Siderova, Kalinka Vulcheva, Eva Georgieva, Sonya Kuncheva.
“My entire repertoire is from my native village,” she says. Every one in her family had a gift for music. Her father for example wrote his own verse and set it to music.

20 August 2007 - Sofia, Bulgaria
Boris Dimitrov
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5th Gaida Contest, Ilinden Fair in the village of Gela

On August 4 and 5, 2007 the meadow in front of the “St. Iliya” chapel in the Rhodope village Gela resounded with the kaba gaida tunes and the songs of the participants in the Ilinden Fair.

The first gaida contest was the idea of the popular gaida player from the Rhodope Peter Yanev and Antonia Chilikova, and it was part of the traditional clans meeting of the village of Gela. The organizer of the fifth edition was the initiative committee, whose members were: Stefan Gerdzhikov, Vesselina Babadzhankova and Peter Yanev, assisted by Antonia Chilikova from “Rhodopi” eco-organisation, Gela village council and others.

6 August 2007 - village of Gela, Bulgaria
Boris Dimitrov
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Balkanfolk Workshop 2007 Opening Today, July 15

Participants from 10 countries are arriving from all continents to join the practical seminar for Balkan folklore Balkanfolk 2007. The Opening is today at Hotel Jeravna, in Bankya, a resort by Sofia.

The courses offer a wide range of subjects connected to Balkan folklore, amongst which Bulgarian dances, Romanian dances, Serbian dances, Bulgarian folk singing and all traditional Bulgarian instruments. Classes are divided into beginners and advanced for better comprehension and some of them offer an individual approach.

15 July 2007 - Bankya, Bulgaria
Vera Genova
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453 results, 46 pages | 41


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