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30 year anniversary of Dance Ensemble Mladost
On 25th november 2006 (saturday) at 6:00 pm, at the Drama Theater Dragomir Asenov, Montana, a concert of the folklore ensemble Mladost will take place at the Town hall in honor of their 30 year anniversary.
Among the guests are: the Minister of Culture Mr. Stefan Danailov, The Head of State Mr. Todor Vurbanov,the mayor of Montana Mr. Zlatko Jivkov, community counselors, choreographers from the country and abroad,( Ukrain, Check Republic, Macedonia, Turkey and Serbia).
23 November 2006 - Montana, Bulgaria
Boris Dimitrov
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Balkan folklore dances course led by Jatila van der Veen
Cafe Aman is a folk dance "event" that takes place on the second Saturday of each month, in the location of the folk dance house called "Cafe Danssa" on Pico Boulevard, in Los Angeles.
This time the event took place on Saturday, October 14, 2006, at "Cafe Aman" in Los Angeles, California. The dance courses were led by Jatila Jatila van der Veen.She taught Novoselska Shira and Pazardzhiska Kopanitsa, which she had learned from Todor Karapchanski in summer of 2005 at Balkanfolk workshop in Bulgaria.
14 October 2006 - Los Angeles, CA, USA
Balkanfolk site
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International music festival "Macedonia Folk"
The Municipality of Blagoevgrad, under the patronage of Blagoevgrad’s mayor Lazar Prichkapov, organised the second edition of the international festival ‘Macedonia Folk’ from 21 to 24 September 2006.
The festival is a competition in four categories.
More than 400 groups and individual performers took part in the frames of the festival. They all represented their artistic skills on the three stages: in the area of Bachinovo, the open air theatre in the Varosha quarter and the main square George Izmirliev.
24 September 2006 - Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria
Boris Dimitrov
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Balkanalia – Balkan Music and Dance Camp
Balkanalia’s tenth edition was held this year from 24 to 27 August in Camp Angelos, near Portland, USA.
It was a three-day incredible gathering of campers, musicians, dancers and singers in the idyllic atmosphere of Camp Angelos, a superb way to share your love of Balkan music and dance with other people.
1 September 2006 - Camp Angelos, Portland, USA.
Vera Genova
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Guča - the most popular Balkan brass bands music festival in Serbia
The village of Guca in the Dragacevo district, peaceful and colorful part of western Serbia, has gained world fame owing to its Assembly of Trumpet Players, the largest trumpet event on the planet.
About 500,000 people of varying ages visit every year the Festival in Guca. Among the foreign visitors there have been individuals from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Denmark, Germany, Hungary, Norway, Slovenia, Sweden, Poland, Macedonia, USA.
6 August 2006 - Guča, Serbia
Balkanfolk site
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CD на Янка Рупкина, Манол Михайлов и оркестър Балкан Транзит - Дания
Българският музикален фолклор има много приятели по света. Те създават групи и разучават български песни и танци. Музикална къща „Гега Ню” вече представи един такъв състав – оркестър „Тополово” от Франция (GD 148). Продължаваме с още една група – БАЛКАН ТРАНЗИТ от Дания. Групата е основана през 1988 г. в гр. Аархус. Петимата музиканти с голяма любов и старание изучават български песни и мелодии, а от 1993 г. работят с Янка Рупкина, Манол Михайлов и кавалджията Стоян Величков.
7 July 2006 - София, България
Gega New
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Concert of Turquoise Turkish folk group
Each year Turquoise presents a colourful concert in the convention/culture centre in Kadikoy, Asian side of Istanbul. The group consists of 38 skilful dancers and is under the direction of art directors/choreographers Ayhan and Gulcin Uncuoglu.
24 June 2006 - Istanbul
Anna Travali
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A Village Fair at Lilkovo
A big fair was held on 3 June 2006 in the Rhodope village of Lilkovo. The gathering started as of the early morning and went on until late evening. Two bands had the important role of entertaining the people – Brestovitsa, led by the clarinet player Yashko Argirov and, Slavcho Angelov’s band from Brestovitsa called Slavey.
5 June 2006 - Lilkovo, Bulgaria
Anton Gardev
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International Folklore Festival “Bojurite“ (Peonies)
For years on this area takes place the International Folklore festival "Bojurite", in which have participated folklore ensembles from Greece, Macedonia, Turkey, Rumania, Sweden and Bulgaria.
In the 2004 edition of the International Folklore festival Bojurite took part ensembles from Rumania and Macedonia, as well as the municipalities, that have participated in the earlier editions.
1 June 2006 - Kubrat, Bulgaria
Boris Dimitrov
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St. Lazarus’ Day Concert of Zornitsa Ensemble
The Saturday before Palm Sunday, a week before Easter, is Lazaritza. In Bulgarian folklore, Lazarus carries an axe аnd the elderly believe he is the master of timber and bushes and helps people clear them so the land can be used for ploughing and planting.
St. Lazarus’ Day is also connected with 'lazarouvane', an old spring ritual for young girls who dance, sing and dress in wedding costumes.
This year St. Lazarus’ Day fell on 15th April and Zornitsa folklore ensemble, Sofia, traveled to the nearby township of Pernik where they had been invited to present a concert.
15 April 2006 - Pernik, Bulgaria
Anna Travali
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453 results, 46 pages |
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