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International Folklore Festival "World Folk Stars"
21 Sep 2012 - 23 Sep 2012
Razdrad, Bulgaria

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International Folklore Festival "World Folk Stars"

During the month of December 2011 in Sofia was held working meeting of the Board of I.G.F ( International Federation of national folklore federations ).

One of the decisions that were taken was to organize an annual festival called "World folk stars". The festival will be held annually in a different country. The first household was given to Bulgaria since the country hosted the meeting.

It was decided that in each edition will participate 6 countries. After drawing lots for the first edition were defined Italy, Romania, Ukraine, Croatia and as a host – Bulgaria.

The idea for the organization of “World folk stars” festival is that it is a kind of final of the many festivals of IGF held through the year. So the most appropriate time is about September as summer festivals are over. Bulgaria chose 21st, 22nd, 23rd of September as 22nd is a public holiday.

Each one of the Member - States will send one of their best groups. And each of the participating groups will be presented in two nights with different programs. A jury composed of the members of the Board of IGF will evaluate the performance. Official guests will be - the President of the IGF - Prof. Dorel Kozma, Vice President - Benito Ripon ( Italy ) and Michalis Lanitis ( Cyprus ), presidents of the Federations of the participating countries and members of the Board of IGF.

The festival concerts will be at 19.00 in the auditorium of the Municipal Cultural Center. Free entrance!

The whole organization of the festival is assumed by the Federation of Bulgarian folk group, whose headquarters is in Razgrad - Bulgaria.


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