Festivals |
22 Jul 2009
- 27 Jul 2009
Özdere - İzmir / TURKEY...
XVI. International Cultures, Arts,sports and Folklore Festival...
Municipality of OZDERE / IZMIR-Turkey will organıse "XVI.. International Cultures, Arts, Sports and Folklore Festival " 22-27.07.2009.
The committee would like to invite six Folkdance group (adult/young) under the cultural basic exchange conditions.
The group will be accommodated 5 nights in the Hotel near the seaside;
If you accept these conditions, please answer in a short time. So we will send you official invitation letter.
Please accept our sympathetic and best wishes from all of us and say HELLO to your group.
Best Regards,
Arif Sönmez..
Ozdere Fest..
Arif Sönmez
Send Email to the Organizers of the Event