Festivals |
4 Jul 2010
- 10 Jul 2010
Istanbul, Turkey
51 International Aksehir Folklore Festival
Istanbul Turkiye Harman Folklore Fes tival organisation would like seeing your dance group in KONYA / AKSEHIR city International folk festival, which will be held 4-10 JULY in 2010. We are willing to organise, expand this International folklore festivale very year and would like to see different culture s from all over the World.
ACCOMODATION: All group s will s tay at the s ame University dormitory, room s including 4-5 beds, bath and toilet at the same floor.
PERFORMANCE: Groups will perform max 15 minute per afternoon. Groups can perform with CD or Live music. We can accept max 45 people including two bus drivers. Group’s dancer ages must be older than 16 years old. We will invite 8 countries .
TRANSPORTATION: The participant groups must pay their own travelex penses from their Country to Turkey and return. If group is coming bybus , Festival Municipality organisation committee will give to the groups free Gas oline only from Aksehir town Municipality petrol station.
Rasim pasa mah
Macit Erbulak Sok. No:21/2
81300 Kadıköy
Tel:++90 216 346 13 54 Faks:++90 216 346 13 08

jow smith
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