Festivals |
4 Jul 2010
- 9 Jul 2010
İskenderun / TÜRKİYE
29.Intern. İskenderun Tourısm & Culture Festıval
International Folkdance & Folkmusıc Festival will be held for the twenty-nıne time in İskenderun, Hatay between 04-09.July. 2010.
Festival's aim is to present the cultural tradition, living folklore and the rich ethnographic heritage of Turkey, to give an insight into the folklore tresure in other countries and regions, and to provide an opportunity for the members of groups preserving traditions in neighbouring countries to get together.Since İskenderun is the most important ınterestıng center of beautiful Medıterranean Sea, festival has a great atmosphere with colourful performances of participants.
It is with great pleasure to invite your group to “ International Folkdance & Folkmusıc Festival.”We hope that you will accept our invitation, so that we can get familiar with the art of your ensemble and the folklore of your country.
We look forward to welcoming you to İskenderun, July-2010
With very best wishes
Yours Sincerely,
Festıval Organıser
The Dırector of Anatolıan Folk Dance Group
Arif Sönmez
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