Festivals |
7 Jul 2010
- 12 Jul 2010
St. Petersburg and Moscow, Russia
International Folk Festival “Two Capitals”
The main aim of the festival is a cultural friendship in the area of art and with the help of art. The main idea of the Organizers is to gather folk and national art groups of different trends (vocal, dance, instrumental, applied art) from all over the world and from all over Russia in St. Petersburg for close communication and presentation of their own national culture, getting acquainted with other cultures and future international collaboration
The idea of the festival is development of new forms of the communications and intercultural dialogue.
Performances of folk groups, vocal, dance instrumental group, songs and dances with the purpose of preservation of the national singing, musical and dancing cultural traditions.
Creating artistic atmosphere for participants of the festival, making evenings of friendship, organizing master classes to educate tolerance with young people.
Demonstration of the folk costume (exhibition of a historical costume and show of the national costumes as well as a fashion show of the modern clothes with elements of folklore).
Getting wide audience acquainted with the folk groups from all over the world, showing national games (involve the audience).
Demonstration of applied art.
Forming esthetic tastes of youth on the best examples of the folk art.
Educating and promoting the professional level of the directors of folk groups.
Attracting the attention of the International organizations to St.Petersburg as a multicultural city, development of the high image of the city as a cultural capital, based on the attitude to the national cultures.
Administration of Petrogradsky region of St.Petersburg
The Center of the International Cooperation «Tarragona»
The Center of the Artistic development “InterArt”, Moscow

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