Festivals |
United States of America
19 Mar 2010
- 21 Mar 2010
International House, Chicago, USA
Spring Festival 2010
University of Chicago International House, Center for Eastern European & Russian/Eurasian Studies, & Ens. Balkanske Igre present the 45th Anniversary
SPRING FESTIVAL, March 19-21, 2010
International House,1414 E 59th St, Chicago, IL 60637, USA
(workshops, concert, parties, culture sessions featuring the dance and music of Eastern Europe and Mediterranean)
Atanas Kolarovski Macedonian dances
Ahmet Lüleci Turkish dances
Ventzi Sotirov Bulgarian dances
Chris Bajmakovich accordion, Macedonian songs
Ljupčo Milenkovski Macedonian kaval, gajda
James Stoyanoff clarinet
Šani Rifati Rrom (people formerly called "Gypsies") dances, songs, & culture
FRIDAY EVE PARTY, 8pm-midnight, dance workshop plus party with Jim Stoyanoff & Orch Chalgija
SATURDAY EVE, 6pm-1am, Dinner, Concert, & Dance Party with artists below featuring Chris Bajmakovich & Muzika4U, Ljupčo Milenkovski & Orchestra Legenda,
plus ethnic Bulgarian, Macedonian, Polish, Serbian, etc. dance groups and more...
The SPRING FESTIVAL is an eagerly awaited annual event which draws enthusiasts of Balkan, Eastern European, and Mediterranean music, dance, food, and culture from throughout North America to Chicago - a chance to celebrate with old friends and to make new ones. Guided by master dance teachers and inspired by virtuoso musicians you'll dance, sing, and jam all weekend long! Be enthralled by splendid performances of music and dance at the Saturday evening concert. Enjoy dancing on a sprung, oak floor to exhilirating live music each evening at the dance parties. Sample mouth-watering delicacies prepared by expert Balkan cooks. Our sizzling parties are renowned from coast-to-coast
and a hit among dancers, world music fans, and the Balkan and Eastern European communities. Bring your family and friends too! Finally, don't miss the Sunday evening post-festival dinner & party!
ATANAS KOLAROVSKI is the legendary Macedonian dancer nonpareil and former lead soloist and director of "Tanec".
Atanas has helped to spread Macedonian culture and folklore throughout North America, Europe, and East Asia.
AHMET LÜLECI is a fabulous dancer and one of the premier teachers of Turkish dance in the world. Ahmet directs
the popular annual "World Camp" on the east coast and is in great demand at workshops, camps, and festivals.
ŠANI RIFATI is the director of the Voice of Roma and will give presentations on the dance, songs, & culture of the Roma.
Voice of Roma sponsored tours with Esma Redžepova, "Queen of Romani Music", Yuri Yunakov, & "KAL".
VENTZI SOTIROV is a native of Sandanski in the Pirin-Macedonian region. He was a lead soloist with the Bulgarian
National Folk Ensemble "Pirin" and was rated by his peers the number professional dancer in Bulgaria.
CHRIS BAJMAKOVICH is a young, talented, and versatile musician and vocalist much in demand in the Macedonian
community who can play Macedonian, Bulgarian, Rom, Serbian, and other genres with equal authority.
LJUPČO MILENKOVSKI, a native of Dračevo, Macedonia was a three-time gold-medalist on the Macedonian kaval
(shepherd's flute) at the Dolnensko-Prilepsko folk festival and is the last and best student of the legendary Mile Kolarov.
JAMES STOYANOFF is a master of the clarinet and performs and teaches Greek, Macedonian, and Turkish music.
He studied clarinet with such masters as Karakos, Halkias, Anestopoulos, Gündeğer, and others.
FRIDAY and SATURDAY evening will feature exciting music and performances by a variety of master Balkan musicans.
Jim Stoyanoff and friends has formed a "čalgija" (traditional town Macedonian orchestra) and will lead off the weekend with this style of music as well as classics from the old-time bands of Kime Nanchoff et al. Also, Ljupčo Milenkovski Orchestra; "Music4U" with Chris Bajmakovich & friends; "Balkanski Ritmi" Bitov Orch, including Angel Dobrev (gadulka), Stamen Gardzhev, (gaida), Kotse Marinov (tapan); the St. George Tamburaši; plus "Balkanske Igre", & others.
SUNDAY EVENING post-festival dinner for the teachers, committee, and friends has been so much fun, we are inviting everyone to join us at (restaurant to be announced) for dinner, music, and dancing. Check form if interested.
773-324-1247 (24-hours) or 847-331-7842-eves & weekends
balkanske_igre@yahoo.com Balkanske Igre, PO Box 1157, Chicago, IL 60690
I-House Global Voices Performances Arts Series
ihouse.uchicago.edu for handicapped access,
contact 773-753-2274 72 hours in advance
Balkanfolk Calendar
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