Workshops |
19 Jul 2010
- 1 Aug 2010
Naxos Cyclades Greece
Workshop Seminar Festival, Dances & Music from the Greek Islands, Cyclads, Naxos
A seminar, workshop & festival in the heart of the tradition from the greek islands
From July 19th to August 1st, 2010
Tradition, dance, music, history & culture from the Kyklades
Nikos Kazantzakis, who lives one year in the village of Eggares, in 1896, and where he wrote “Anafora sto Greko”, “Report to El Greco”, another famous Cretan, wrote about Naxos :
“Αν ο παραδεισος ηταν στην γη, θα ηταυ εδω”
“If paradise were on earth, it would be here, in Naxos”
In July 2009, we suggest a festive, musical and cultural seminar in Naxos, the living and vibrating heart of the Kyklades, the very center of the the greek archipelago, the center of the musical and choreographic life for the 30 Kyklades.
After a whole and intense year of preparation, with a strong partnership with the Naxos community, the Council of Drymalias, and the Cultural Associations of the villages, we propose a unique 11-day seminar, in the rhythm of the “νησιωτικα” (“nisiotika”), in the rhythm of the waving, flowing and swaying music from those unique Greek islands.
philippos dellatolas
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