Festivals |
22 May 2010
Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria
National culinary festival Motley table of guests at my city
Motley table of guests at my city. Once the festival has gone through many places in Bulgaria, and now headed to Blagoevgrad.
On 22.05.2010g. from 11.00, Blagoevgrad will hospitably welcomed National Culinary Festival Motley table of guests at my city "2010, which started on Easter from Plovdiv. For the first time the city will host the only national culinary festival of Bulgarian cuisine, folklore and traditions.
On holiday in honor of the day in the city of Blagoevgrad will bear the unique flavors of delicious, unique regional dishes. Meals are part of the festival, they are represented by zhuteli the region. Specially selected jury trying all meals and determine winners of various categories. Authentic recipe Best taste. Award for best ethnic vision of the exposure. Best original unique recipe. Best dessert.
We expect many happy moments and folklore program, which the inhabitants of the city and region are podgovili for all guests of the festival and the feast of the town of Blagoevgrad. On stage you can see many groups of authentic folklore of the region, renowned ensembles and dance bands. Amateur groups and community center.
Traditional competitions for young chefs and this time will make a surprise. Especially for the festival will be attended by uchnitsite Vocational School of Agriculture and Mechanisation "PO Box Yavorov town of Gotse Delchev. Under the rules of the competition and festival, at least one meal of the things that will prepare typical for the region. In their menu you will see: assorted potatoes, Nevrokop spindle and Fruit Salad. Over ten groups of participants from the region will attend culinary exhibition prepared individual dishes and brought them on the day of celebration. Again, in celebratory pograma rich will be able to participate in various competitions and tastings. Each of the guests at the festival prior arrangement with the organizers, can demonstrate their culinary skills in the kitchen boss Ivanov, chief organizer of the culinary festival.
Festival has already visited the city of Plovdiv, Svishtov, Village of Bata, Village of Bov. Join one of the next stops on this uniquely delicious feast. The following cities Hissar Kyustendil, Veliko Tarnovo and others. Welcome!

Balkanfolk Team
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