Festivals |
18 Jul 2012
- 21 Jul 2012
Toscana - ITALY
Summer in Toscana
Folk dance groups, modern dance groups, wind bands, majorettes, choirs
Date: 18. 07. 2012. - 21. 07. 2012. (4 days, 3 nights)
Participation fee: 125 euro per person (half board)
Free over 25 below 40 for 2 person, over 40 for 3 persons!
Accomodation: hotel with 1/3, 1/4 rooms
Date for apply: 30. 11. 2011.
Participant groups should 20 euro per person after
receiving the official invitation, until 20. 12. 2011.
Number of participants: no limited
Number of group: is limited! (3-4 groups)
Performances: 3 (25-35’)
Arif Sönmez
Send Email to the Organizers of the Event