Festivals |
2 Jun 2014
- 7 Jun 2014
Seferihisar - İzmir, TURKEY
Internatıonal FOLK-ART Festival
02 – 07 JUNE 2014
Sun and sea festival....
Participants are ensembles from all the World..
Folklore groups – Majorettes - Modern dance groups - Band
İzmir city's name's history:
In history it ,is said that there was a group of women named 'amazon women' and this group of women were lived in aegeon region before İzmir had taken it's name.These women were hate from the men and they use the men for heavy works and men were serving them.Amozon women were so strong that they were fighting against the men and for carring their weapon they cut one of their bust.
One day the chief of the group of Amozon women fell into love and she decided to marry him so they combine their lands. This chief changes her name and she decided to take the name 'Smyrna'. And then the man whom she married decided to give the name of his wife to their lands.
Since that day 'Smyrna' became ancient name of İzmir. By the years passed the name Smyrna has changed so many times and İzmir is the last name of these lands.
İzmir is known as the pearl of Aegean region. . It is Turkey's third largest city and second most important port. Also, it is an important tourism centre in this region.There are lots of wonderful places to visit and if you want to have fun time, İzmir is the best province for you.
The people are very warmblooded and they are famous with their hospitality.Also, they are friendly and helpful.İn adicition, the girls have become famous with their beauty.
12:00 Arrival to selected accommodation unit.
19:00 – 21:00 Dinner
22:00 Receptıons party…
07:30 – 09:00 Breakfast
10:00 Press Conference
12:00 13:00 Lunch (hotel restaurant)
Free tıme…on the beach or pool..
18:00 – 19:00 Dınner
20:30 – 22:30 Opening the festival. Presentations of the groups. Performance 10 minutes (Amphitheatre)
23:30 Going in the club / free /
07:30 – 09:00 Breakfast
10:00 Optınal Sightseeing in Efhessus and Şirince Village
( perperson 20 euros)
12:30 Lunch pocket
19:00 – 20:00 Dınner
21:00 - 22:30 Presentations of the group performance 10 mınutes (Seferihisar Square)
07:30 – 09:00 Breakfast
10:00 Sightseeng in İzmir (free tour)
12:30 Lunch Pocket
20:00 – 21:00 Dınner
22:00 Going in the club / price per person / free /
07:30 – 09:00 Breakfast
10:00 - 17:00 Optıonal Boat tour/ prıce perperson /15 euro
13:00 – 15:00 Lunch in the boat.
19:00 – 20:00 Dınner
21:00 – 22:30 Presentatıons of the groups, end of Festıval.. ( performance 5 mınutes)
23:00 - …….. Frıendly party..
07:30 – 09:00 Breakfast
12:00 Departure of groups. End of service
Hotel 5***** 159 € /5 nights/ FB- İNCLUSİVE
1/3 rooms, double room /perperson/ 5 euro each day/
The group must pay a deposit on the participation fee (40%)
Till 20 February 2014 to the Festival’s Bank in order to close definitely its participation.
The rest amount of the participation fee must be paid to the
Organizing Committee on 02 June 2014 (euro in cash).
Price include:
Accomodation in hotel in base FB / breakfast, lunch ,dinner / wine and beer free (Inclusive)
Participation of the festival
Souvenirs, diploms, photo, DVD
Two bus drivers /when group come with bus/, and leader of the group free of charge
Free bus only transfer airport-hotel-airport when group come with airplane
Price does not include:
Insurance for passengers
Hotel – Efhessus – Hotel , bus prıce 400 euro for groups..(ıf you want rent a bus..!!!)
Hotel – İzmir – Hotel, bus prıce 450 euro for groups.. (ıf you want rent a bus..!!)
General conditions of the Festival:
There is no age limit or the number of participants and accompanying
It is necessary to prepare two – three different program lasting max 10 minutes
Need to bring their country’s flag and a performance at the decision of the organizers in conspicuous place. It is also necessary to visibly display panel (provided by organizers) which is inscribed with the name of your group and the country where you come from.
You can perform with orchestra (recommended) or CD track.
If you decide to participate in the said event, you need to fill out an application for the festival and send it back. We will send you an official letter of invitation to participate in the festival.
Contact : Mr.Arif Sonmez
Mobile : + 90 534 6001870
+ 90 543 291 8601
Mail : turkei_iov@yahoo.com - info@hotmail.com
Web : www.anatolianfolk.org
Mr.Gurol Alperen
Mobile : +90 507 912 42 99
Fax : +90 850 224 36 35
Mail : gurolalperen@hotmail.com
Accomodatıon Place
Accomodatıon Place
Accomodatıon Place
Accomodatıon Place
Accomodatıon Place
Arif Sönmez
Send Email to the Organizers of the Event