Festivals |
3 Jan 2014
- 6 Jan 2014
Budapest - HUNGARY
II.Intern. Summer Folk - Art Festıval
Participants are ensembles from Italy, Slovenia, Poland, Ukraine, Greece, Turkey, Serbia, Bosnia, Croatia, Czech, Slovakia, Bulgary, Hungary…
Folklore groups – Majorettes - Modern dance groups - Band
03.07.2014 Arrıval at Budapest, Accomodatıon at the hotel and Dınner
04.07.2014 Breakfast, Visit of the cıty (Square-Opera-Citadella-Parliament building- Bridge Erszebet-Zoo).Opening the ceremony of the Festıval.Performances of the Groups,Dınner..Free tıme.
05.07.2014 Breakfast, Visit of the cıty in boat and will go to Szentendre othantıc vıllage Performances of the groups..Dınner and Optıonal Cıgan musıc nıght ...
06.07.2014 Breakfast,departure of the groups.
Condıtıons of the Festıval :
- Number of partıcıpants ara not limited - No age limits - Organizatıon of the performances for the partıcıpants
Partıcıpatıon fee ;
Hotel Oriental , Nap Hotel 115 Euro
Hotel Mercure Duna , Hotel Ibıs Aero 130 Euro
- Accomodatıon in Hotel with 1/3,1/4 rooms and wi-fi
(Surcharge for 1/2 room is 5 € per person per night)
- Half boards (breakfast + dınner)
- Organızatıon expenses
- Diplomas
- Letter of invitation
- At every 20 partıcıpants, one person free at coast
- Any group should be paid advance of %40 of total sum on account of organizers untıl 15th of Aprıl 2014, The rest of money, %60 should be paid after the group arrıved. In case of cancellatıon, advance will be not refund.
Contact persons : Arif Sönmez +90 534 600 1879
turkei_iov@yahoo.com - info@anatolianfolk.org
Arif Sönmez
Send Email to the Organizers of the Event