Festivals |
12 Jun 2014
- 15 Jun 2014
Lago Dı Garda - ITALY
Internatıonal Folklore Festıval
1 Day
12:00 Arrival to selected accommodation unit
19:00 Dinner
22:30 Optional night out in Lido di Jesolo
2 Day
07:30 Breakfast
10:00 Press Conference
12:00 Optional Sightseeing Tour of Lago dı Garda
17:00 Dinner
19:30 Opening the festival. Presentations of the groups
22:30 Optional going in the club
3 Day
07:30 Breakfast
11:00 Optional Boat trip to Garda
17:00 Dinner
19:30 Presentations of the groups. End of festival.
22:30 Party dinner with live music
4 Day
07:30 Breakfast
12:00 Departure groups. End of service.
Hotel 3*** 119 Euro
Hotel 2** 109 Euro
Price include:
Accomodation in hotel in base HB / breakfast and dinner /
Participation of the festival
Souvenirs, diploms, photo, DVD
Price does not include:
Optional excursions
Insurance for passengers
Other individual costs of passengers
General conditions of the Festival:
There is no age limit or the number of participants and accompanying
It is necessary to prepare two different program lasting max 12 minutes
Need to bring their country’s flag and a performance at the decision of the organizers in conspicuous place. It is also necessary to visibly display panel (provided by organizers) which is inscribed with the name of your group and the country where you come from.
You can perform with orchestra (recommended) or CD tract
If you decide to participate in the said event, you need to fill out an application for the festival and send it back. We will send you an official letter of invitation to participate in the festival.
Contact : Arif Sönmez
turkei_iov@yahoo.com - info@anatolianfolk.org
Applıcatıon Form
Arif Sönmez
Send Email to the Organizers of the Event