Workshops |
5 Aug 2008
- 17 Aug 2008
West Macedonia (Prespa Lake) - Greece
Seminar Traditional GREEK dances in western Macedonia
In a region rich both in history and traditions. In the village of LEMOS near Prespa Lake (natural border between Albania, Fyrom/ex-Yu. Rep.of Macedonia,and Greece).
Alongside the native Macedonians, live Vlach, Pontic and Sarakatsani families, refugees from Asia Minor and Albanian immigrants. This mixture of ethnic cultures creates a uniquely rich and varied experience for the workshop participants at local festivities ("panegiria") and parties ("glendia"). Traditional dance in this part of Macedonia is still very ALIVE and we have many opportunities to join the residents of the neighbouring villages and share with them the happiness in dancing their OWN dances !
Program : all the facets of Greek dance and music are gathered with participationof teachers native from the region taught and respectful of their traditions : Macedonia, Epirus, Islands and Crete, Thraki, Pondos,Minor Asia, etc ...
Information :
Yannis Konstantinou -
mobile 0030 6 944 946 227
Maryse Fabre -
mobile 0033 6 81 20 73 79

Maryse FABRE
Send Email to the Organizers of the Event