Festivals |
19 Aug 2008
- 24 Aug 2008
Hakodate, Japan
Hakodate World Music and Dance Festival
"Hitococochi, Inc." is organizing the 2008 World Music and Dance Festival "Hakodate Kokusai Minzoku Geijutsu Sai" (HAKODATE World Music&Dance Festival)in Hakodate city, Hokkaido, Japan. It will be held from August 19 to August 24, 2008.
The festival will combine four activities.
(1) An outdoor concert on a stage with a spectacular view in front of Hakodate Mountain.
(2) A parade in the historic Hakodate Bay area.
(3) Numerous smaller scale performances and workshops in cafes and music halls.
(4) Performances in local schools.
Hitococochi and IOV-JAPAN will welcome people ardently.
SOGA Naoto,
Festival Director
Invitation and Information
Balkanfolk Calendar
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