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Czech Republic
30 Jun 2009 - 10 Jul 2009
South Bohemia& Austria: Ceske Budejovice, Cesky Krumlov, Jindrichov Hradec, Vienna, Salzburg

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Dear friends!
Let us to invite you & yours arts groups, to take part in the
The festival is held under protection of embassy of the Russian Federation, WITH PATRONAGE OF MINISTER OF EDUCATION &PRESIDENT OF THE SOUTH REGION
- to contribute to the development of culture and of youth ' s art . To give to the children as well as to their teachers the opportunity to learn about the new tendencies in art and in pedagogy , to show them the works of young composers , poets , directors , choreographers in order to expand their repertoire .
- to contribute to the mutual understanding of children from different countries by proclaiming and bringing into life the principals of peace and tolerance

Main events :
• Competition in different categories;
• Opening ceremony ;
• Excursions to the most beautifully historical places in the Czech Republic
• Teachers club ( creative meetings ) & VIP banquets with the famous arts people & media
• Entertainment for children, meetings with foreign groups, parties,
• Awarding ceremony and gala concert .
* Skill - improvement courses & workshops
The competition is held in the following cathegories:
The application form must be submited to the organisation comittee by the
01. 04. 2009
The festival performance will be evaluated by an expert international jury.
The participants in each cathegory and age group are awarded laureates of I, II, III prizes , winners of the diplomas of 1,2,3 degree and “participants”. Special prizes: GRAND-PRIX

General conditions & program by request!
Age limits for participants: 10 – 24 years.

We will be glad to cooperate with you!
Organization committee

J& S Group s.r.o
Vaclavske namesti 1,
110 00 Praha 1
Czech Republic
Tel.: +420-267911785
Fax: +420 -267911783

GSM: +420 731 484 366
+420 605 252 222

E-mail: jsgroup-market@praha-cz.net

Anastasia Drbalova
30 Jun 2009 - 9 Jul 2009
Timisoara - Romania

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Romanian folk dance seminar

Romanian folk dance seminar
30th June – 9th July 2009, Timisoara – Romania

The program of this workshop includes the teaching of folk dances from Banat and Romania and, also music courses for violin and wind instruments: saxophone, clarinet, whistle, caval and ocarina.
The teachers of this workshop are professionals with a great experience in their fields.

Toma Frentescu is the coordinator of this workshop and he is artistic director and master choreographer of the folk ensemble "Timisul"
Marius Ursu is the master choreographer of the folk ensemble Doina Timisului
Laita Stanescu is the master choreographer of the folk ensemble "Timisul"

Date and place
a. Date of the workshop
From Tuesday, the 30th of Juny to Thursday, the 9th of July 2009, after dinner.
b. Place
Timisoara, the capital of Banat, a town in the west part of Romania, also known as the town of roses.
Baile Herculane, a town in the southern part of Banat.

Housing and meals
a. Timisoara, 8 days with board and lodging included, in double rooms (breakfast, lunch and dinner included). An additional 50 euro is required for a single room.
b. Baile Herculane, 1 days with board and lodging included.
• 600 euro/person (for dancing and music). The fee includes the participation in all the activities mentioned above, the transportation from the Timisoara International Airport to the hotel, and the trip to Prigor.
• 400 euro/person, for the persons that do not take part in the courses but take part in the other activities.
The prices include:
- dancing courses accompanied by the dancers and live professional orchestra.
- CD and DVD with the music from the educational programme
- watching the performances from The International Folk Festival “Festivalul Inimilor”
- watching the performances from The International Folk Festival “Hercules”
- visit to The Banat Museum, with folk Romanian art exhibition.
- visit to the Banat Village Museum (traditional peasant houses)
- accompanying by Marius Ursu and Laita Stanescu throughout the period
- for group of 5 to 9 people – 5% discount.
- for group of 10 people and more – 10% discount.
- for participants who have taken part in any of the previous editions of Banatfolk Workshop - 5% discount.
Contact information
Marius Ursu,
E-mail: workshop@banatfolk.com , mariusursu91@yahoo.com
Web: www.mariusursu.ro, www.banatfolk.com, www.doinatimisului.ro

Marius Ursu
Czech Republic
1 Jul 2009 - 7 Jul 2009
Prague. Czech Republic

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International children’s and youth musical art festival

Dear friends,

Company Pitagross invites you to take part in an International musical youth and children’s festivals, which will take place in Prague, Czech Republic.

In festivals can participate collectives of different genres: Academic and folk choirs, vocal groups, soloists, choreographic collectives, soloists of folk and modern dance, orchestras and string, wind and folk ensembles, folk groups and others.

During the festival every collective gets an opportunity to present their contest program and to get an international diploma. Festival’s judges are honored figures of the Czech culture, teachers of leading musical and choreographic institutes of Prague.

Don’t be hesitating to ask questions. Our email is pitagross@email.cz

We are looking forward to meeting you!

Best regards, Anastasia Vlasova
Pitagross s.r.o.

Pitagross s.r.o.
Czech Republic
1 Jul 2009 - 7 Jul 2009
Prague. Czech Republic

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International children’s and youth musical art festival

Company Pitagross invites you to take part in an International musical youth and children’s festivals, which will take place in Prague, Czech Republic.

02.05.09-08.05.09 - May Fantasy

In festivals can participate collectives of different genres: Academic and folk choirs, vocal groups, soloists, choreographic collectives, soloists of folk and modern dance, orchestras and string, wind and folk ensembles, folk groups and others.

During the festival every collective gets an opportunity to present their contest program and to get an international diploma. Festival’s judges are honored figures of the Czech culture, teachers of leading musical and choreographic institutes of Prague.

Don’t be hesitating to ask questions.

We are looking forward to meeting you!

Best regards,
Pitagross s.r.o.

Pitagross s.r.o.
3 Jul 2009 - 5 Jul 2009

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Трети международен фолклорен фестивал “Пауталия” - 2009

Фестивалът се организира от читалище “Братство”, гр. Кюстендил под патронажа на кмета на Община Кюстендил - г-н Петър Паунов и ще се проведе от 3 до 5 юли 2009 г.

Международният фолклорен фестивал “Пауталия” има конкурсен характер и се провежда в три раздела:

Фестивалът се провежда в 3 раздела:
- Народни танци
- Народни песни
- Авторска песен

Заявки за участие се изпращат на адрес:
п.к. 2500 гр. Кюстендил
ул. Отец Паисий №11
читалище “Братство”
или на е-mail: chitalishte@bratstvokn.org
Краен срок: 22 юни 2009 г.

Balkanfolk Calendar
4 Jul 2009 - 15 Jul 2009
LESVOS Island (Greece) and ESKI FOCA (Turkey)

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DANCES FROM LESVOS and ASIA MINOR : 12 days in the Aegean sea

From Aeolida to Ionia… from Plomari to Phocaea !

Asia Minor’s traditions are, of course, a constitutive element of today’s Greece as a whole, but in the North Aegean, and especially on Lesvos, these traditions are still part of people’s daily life and mentality, as is shown by their language, music, dances, and even their literature. That’s why Lesvos is said to be part and parcel of Asia Minor.

Based for the second year running in Plomari, we’ll continue our journey on the steps of dance and music. The town of Plomari, on the southern green slopes of mount Olymbos, keeps alive numerous traditions. The difficult winding road which leads to it keeps it isolated, still, from the rest of the island. These traditions are to be seen in the culture of the olive tree, the production of olive oil and ouzo, but also in the language – the characteristic local dialect –, in the music and the songs – the famous Plomari’s satirical distichs –, and of course in the dances.

This year, continuing last year’s experience, we’ll spend part of our program in the historical Asia Minor, on the shores of today’s Turkey. We’ll have as our base the ancient Phocea, a peaceful town on the Aegean seashore, the former home town of Marseilles’ Greeks, midway between Aeolida and Ionia. In music and in dancing, but also in literature, we’ll look for Asia Minor’s memories and traditions so as to relive them from within.

At each stopping place, a whole word will come to life :

Mytilene, Ayvalik, Pergamos, Phocaea, Smyrna, Erythrea, Plomari, Sigri, Antissa, Skalohori,...

memory and traditions : Dances, music, literature, history, sightseeing trips
This Second Meeting will begin Saturday morning, July 4, in Mytilene-town, and end in Plomari, Wednesday, July 15, at 1 p.m.
We’ll spend six days with Phocaea (Eski Foça in Turkey) as our base, and six days on Lesvos Island (Greece) with Plomari as our base !

The program will include daily dance classes, taught by specialists in Asia Minor dancing, and will be enriched by numerous trips and visits.
The price of 880€ includes:
o 11 nights (breakfast included)
o 11 meals (lunch or dinner, depending on the schedule of the day)
o Dance lessons (5 hours a day) with Greek and Turkish instructors
o Literature and history lectures
o Dance and music in the evenings with local orchestras
o Coach at our disposal while in Turkey
o Admittance to archeological sites and museums
o Boat trip to and from Turkey

Add 160 € to the above price if you prefer a room by yourself.
For people who wish to register, but without attending the dance classes, the price will be 720 euros

Program Coordinators Vaggelis Tsaganos and Giorgos Kostakiotis

Maryse FABRE
4 Jul 2009 - 15 Jul 2009
LESVOS island (Greece) - PHOCEA (Turkey)

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DANCES FROM LESVOS and ASIA MINOR : 12 days in the Aegean sea - from Aeolida to Ionia… from Plomari to Phocaea !

At each stopping place, a whole word will come to life : Mytilene, Ayvalik, Pergamos, Phocaea, Smyrna, Erythrea, Plomari, Sigri, Antissa, Skalohori,...

memory and traditions ... Dances, music, literature, history, sightseeing trips ...
This Second Meeting will begin Saturday morning, July 4, in Mytilene-town, and end in Plomari, Wednesday, July 15, at 1 p.m.
We’ll spend six days with Phocaea (Eski Foça in Turkey) as our base, and six days on Lesvos Island (Greece) with Plomari as our base !

The program will include daily dance classes, taught by specialists in Asia Minor dancing, and will be enriched by numerous trips and visits.

Program Coordinators Vaggelis Tsaganos and Giorgos Kostakiotis

email contact : maryse.fabre3@wanadoo.fr

Maryse FABRE
North Macedonia
5 Jul 2009 - 16 Jul 2009
Berovo hotel "Manastir"- Macedonia

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"Macedonian Pearl Folk - Seminar 2009"


Hotel “Manastir” - Berovo - MACEDONIA 5-16 July 2009


"Macedonian Pearl Folk-Seminar 2009".... Will be in eastern part of Macedonia-city of Berovo-HOTEL" MANASTIR" high 4 stars hotel, 5 miles from Ratevo,( Ratevka Dance) 3 miles from Rusinovo village( Berovka Dance) and 2 miles from one of the most beautiful mountain lake in Macedonia-"Berovo Lake". This is the most beautiful and clean ECO region in Macedonia. Accommodation is much better then hotel "Biser" in Struga, and the neighborhood is authentic Village style. Gypsy quart is very close to the hotel, so it will be a lot of dancing and singing all the time. Big open market is 0.5 mile from the hotel. For the dancers- finally..... we have: WOOD FLOOR - ORIGINAL VILLAGE STYLE WOOD... It will be few more local dance teachers for traditional village style. Of course every night will be live music with Stefce Stojkovski, Bajsa Arifovska, Igor Dimovski, Ratko Zlatanovski, Goran and Adrijana Alachki and more local brass& zurla bands like surprise...
I hope you will enjoy again in our beautiful Macedonia, exploring eastern part of our beauties. Next year I expect people from USA,Canada,Germany,
Belgium, Sweden,Norway, Hungary,Australia, Brazil and Japan. (Masaru Nagae from Japan is first on the list for the next seminar)... The number of participants is LIMITED on 40 people maximum. So , one good thing is- THE HOTEL WILL BE ONLY FOR US,we will not disturb anybody... Capacity of the hotel is around 50 people... but much comfortably is number of 40 people.The nights in Berovo is very cold,so in the middle of the restourant we have big village style fire place.
It will be a lot of work for you next year..I can tell you... in the middle of the restaurant is old loom (wear's frame, or jenny or weaving mill) for you and all the participants of my seminar. All the time during our seminar two old women in national costumes from Maleshevo region will work(singing old traditional songs) on this old fashion "machine" making traditional costumes... Sounds GOOD?
It will be nice to start to think about next "Macedonian Pearl Folk-Seminar 2009" from now , making reservations...
Also I will show you my village " Vladimirovo" included roast lamb and home made bread....(3 miles from the Hotel).... In the free time, Bajsa will show us a lot of things in Gypsy (Roma ) neighborhood (relatives,musician's, dancers)... It will be picnic on sheepfold in the mountain... and a lot of surprises...

You can visit www.macedonianfolk. com there is a lot of picture from last seminars and video clips....




Goran Alachki-director of the seminar
"Macedonian Pearl Folk-Seminar"
72 Franklin Ruzvelt
01000 Skopje
e-mail: info@goranalachki. com
www.macedonianfolk. com
www.goranalachki. com
g_alacki@yahoo. com
msn: g_alacki@hotmail. com
tel&fax:+3892 3067238

Goran Alacki
10 Jul 2009 - 17 Jul 2009
Schoten, Belgium

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World Festival of Folklore - Schoten

In 1959 members of a folklore group and the local tourist association founded The World Festival of Folklore in Schoten in order to promote folk art by presenting it to the public in a beautiful setting, being the historical castle and its surroundings.

The festival takes place every year from Friday before through Friday after the second Sunday in July. Eight to 10 high quality foreign dance ensembles present their program to an audience totalling 30 to 35.000.

It is an amateur festival and therefore meant in the first place to non-professional folk art groups of a high artistic standard. For the sake of preservation the organisers prefer authentic folklore, but they accept adaptation to the stage.

The aim of the organisers is not only to preserve the cultural heritage but also to allow people all over the world to learn to know each other better. Therefore much time is reserved for playing music, dancing together, making excursions, demonstrating handicrafts and playing games.

Balkanfolk Calendar
10 Jul 2009 - 18 Jul 2009
Canberra, Australia

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Concert of Yildiz Ibrahimova in Canberra

Grand-damе of Bulgarian jazz, the famous singer Yildiz Ibrahimova will perform in Australia next month. Her Australian tour will start with two concerts in the capital of Australia, Canberra on 10 and 11 of July, following by a concert in Melbourne on July 16 and her last concert will be on July 18 in Sydney.

The events are expected with great interest, since it is the first appearance of Yildiz in Australia.

The star deeply suffered her husband death - Turkish MP Ali Dincher, and made great effort to come back again on to the stage. Yildiz will appear again before her many admirers with a magnificent program. It includes classic pieces of European and Turkish classical music, samples from Bulgarian and Turkish folklore served as improvisations.
On stage with unique Yildiz Ibrahimova will be known pianist Hakan Toker and her daughter, little 12 years old Suna.

Organizers of the tour are Australian European Alliance, the Embassy of the Republic of Turkey and the Tuggeranong Arts Centre, Canberra.

10 - 11 July 2009, concert in Canberra
16 July 2009, concert in Melbourne
18 July 2009, concert in Sydney

For enquiry: australia.europe.alliance@gmail.com

Who is Yildiz Ibrahimova?

Adriana Andreeva – Tabisz
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