 | Grancharsko horo |  | Radomirsko horo |  | Sitno vlashko |  | Srednogorska kopanitsa |  | Staro breznishko horo |  | Neda voda nalivala |  | Dzhanguritsa |  | Varnensko horo |  | Chapraz |  | Ratsinata |  | Pulevsko horo |  | Trite pati |  | Djinovsko |  | Vlashko horo |  | Lazarsko |
11 results, 2 pages |
Festivals |
20 Mar 2010
- 1 Apr 2010
Balkan Music on the ship
Danube Music Festival
Once again, The Danube, the longest European river will be the host of our festival. Virtuoso musicians, who take their inspiration from going against the stream, will gather on the ship because music is like the river flows, never the same. The theme of this edition will be "Music and Memory".
Musicians from the eight countries along Danube will play together and explore their cultural traditions. Many special guests from Turkey, Greece, Armenia, Russia, Albania, Norway, Spain and other countries will join them. We will get together unexpected meetings with: Alan Bern & " The Other Europeans" band, Ahmet Misirli, Ivo Papasov, Marta Sebestyen, Carlos Nunez and many others............
What makes this festival unique is its incomparable atmosphere of music and creativity that exists day and night. You will be in the “Heart” and the “Kitchen” of the musical creation, living and discussing with the musicians. From march 20th to April 1st, a daily programm with concerts, seminars, workshops... we only wait for you! At last but not least we have a special discount until November 30th ! Do not hesitate to contact us for more information about the ship, cabins, catering, special conditions etc. on mail: danubemusicfestival@gmail.com
From march 20th to April 1st, a daily programm with concerts, seminars, workshops... we only wait for you!
At last but not least we have a special discount until November 30th !
Visit us and tell your friends to do so at

Maria Pavlova
Festivals |
Czech Republic
27 Mar 2010
- 1 Apr 2010
(Prague – Teplice –Karlovy Vary –Dresden –Berlin)
The Feast of Spring - International Childrens Festival Czech Republic &Germany
A Unique Children's Art Forever!
Participants will have a chance to show their talent and skill, and at the same time they will enjoy the beauty of the most attractive city’s in Europe and meet new friends.
The International Festival -competition for the participants from 8th. to 26 years is held in the following categories: Choreography – solo & groups (folk - -ethnic dance);
Singing (folk);Folk instruments – groups (large and small).
The festivals of the Endowment Fund International Youth Forum has been in existence since 2002 and is now a biennial event. It has established itself as an intimate, friendly, well-organised event with an emphasis on making life as easy as possible for participating groups and their directors.
Since 2002, projects organized by the fund have been supported by the Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic, by the City Hall of Prague, governors of regions and international organizations and political structures in the EU. Also, the festival of the Endowment Fund was included in the culture program of the Czech Presidency of the European Union in 2009.
Every year the fund organizes over 15 social projects in the Czech Republic, Germany, France and Austria and in other countries with a total participation of about 10,000 children.
We hope that you will choose one of these festivals, where you will represent your talented groups from your country on the prestige international competition on the best stages in the Europe.
For more questions don’t be hesitate to contact us.
We are looking forward to meet you in the Czech Republic!
Tel.: +420-267911785
Fax.: +420-267911783
GSM: +420-731484366

Anastasia Drbalova
Competitions |
4 Apr 2010
Balkanfolk Calendar
Spectacles |
9 Apr 2010
Theater "Sofia" - Sofia, Bulgaria
"Wild Strawberries" - Performance of NFA Philip Kutev
"Wild Strawberries" - Performance of NFA Philip Kutev
Well-known show "Wild Strawberries" presents a mix of traditional and modern motifs Bulgarian revisions that will make you stand up and dance with us.
Do not miss it!
Become a fan of the National Folklore Ensemble "Philip Kutev on Facebook:
Theater "Sofia"
Bul. "Yanko Sakazov" 23A
Sofia 1505
View Theater "Sofia" in a larger map
Balkanfolk Calendar
Workshops |
10 Apr 2010
- 11 Apr 2010
Pour la 1ère fois, Apostolis Psarros à Paris !
Stage, séminaire et atelier de danses grecques : Naxos, Cyclades
The Cyclads are the most beatiful archpelago, in the world, with 30 unique islands : Amorgos, Anaphi, Andros, Donousa, Giaros, Ios, Irakleia, Kea, Keros, Kouphonisi, Kythnos, Milos, Mykonos, Naxos, Paros & Antiparos, Pholegandros, Poliegos, Schinousa, Seriphos, Sikinos, Siphnos, Thira (Santorin), Tinos, etc...
Each Cyclad has its own culture, history, tradition.
During this 2-day workshop-seminar based in Paris, we will welcome Apostolis Psarros, a true islander : he is from Naxos.
You cannot really teach the dances from a region if you are not coming from this specific region.
The seminar has 10 hours of teaching (2 X 5, saturday & sunday), and will be based in Paris downtown, in the superb Sorbonne University.
Those were the reactions, after our last seminar (February 2010) :
« Encore merci et félicitations pour l'organisation de ce weekend ! »
« Le stage et le spectacle : super ! »
« Oui il en faut plus souvent des évènements comme cela. Donc j'espère au mois d'avril pour les Cyclades. Quand on y goûte on ne peut plus s'en passer... »
« Merci pour l'organisation de cette soirée crétoise, de tels événements sont rares, et c'était très réussi !!! »
« Encore bravo pour ta réalisation du projet, c'était très très bien.
Bravo pour ton talent d'organisateur, pour la consistance que tu as su donner à cet événement tant par son intérêt culturel que par ton don de pouvoir insuffler aux gens cette culture (qui n'est pas celle de la mode TV).
Et aussi pour ta prestation de présentateur sur scène, tu le fais avec talent (je suis sérieux). J'ai aussi apprécié, entre autre, tes mots concernant le " sans but lucratif", rien que pour ça je te décerne 1 médaille...
Et encore pas mal pour le suivi de l'événement avec l'album photo, c'est comme magique…
Voilà, que du bravo ! »
« emeis euxaristoume gia ton eksairetiko sundiasmo pou mas prosfer8hke toso aploxera : thn eksoxh didaskalia, thn tosh poikilia xorwn, mousikwn kai kallitexnwn, tis ekshghseis pou deixnoun poso leptomerh ereuna exete kanei panw sto 8ema, kai panw ap'ola gia to pathos pou emfanws sas diakatexei otan xoreuete kai pou kataferate na mas metadwsete. ... »
« Philippe, the photos ''H Krhth sto Parisi'' are incredibly nice !!! »
« Bonjour Philippe, juste pour dire que nous avons passé un week end très agréable et riche en danses. Un grand merci pour les photos qui sont super. A bientôt »
« Geia sou Philippe,
Para poly omorfi organosi fainetai kai apo tis foto pou esteiles amesos.
Se eyxaristo poly gia tin omorfi embeiria pou eixa gia proti fora sto Parisi itan poly omorfa ola. Tha prospathiso na xanartho kai sto epomeno seminario.
O Megalakakis edose ton kalytero eayto tou.
Nasai kala kai pali to xarika to event para poly.
Perimeno nea gia to dvd tis parastasis kai thathela na me enimeroneis gia ta events kai ta spectacles sou an boreis.
Me filikous xairetismous »
« Très belle et intéressante la soirée crétoise »
« Merci Philippe. Perasame teleia !!! Na mas ksanarthoun ta paidia !!! Alla leo na pame ki emeis taksidi na tous ksanadoume »
« Σας ευχαριστούμε όλους...ήταν υπέροχα ! »
« Merci Philippe !!! »
« Bravo encore pour ce beau voyage en Crête !!! »
« Ce week-end crétois m'a plu énormément, comme à mes deux autres camarades, d'ailleurs. C'était très bien organisé, et le contenu était remarquable. Les intervenants étaient très bons et très sympas »
« Merci à toi pour toute l'énergie que tu dépenses, qui fait des heureux »
« Ces deux journées resteront gravées dans la mémoire de tous les participants.
A plus forte raison, ceux que la Crète passionne et fait vibrer en permanence.
Danses crétoises et musique crétoise sont étroitement liées, on peut même dire indissociables.
Ce bel événement aura donc été aussi l'occasion pour tous de se rapprocher de la musique crétoise, de mieux la comprendre...
Bravo Philippe et merci ! »
« Συγχαρητηρια σε οοολους σας Φιλιππε !!!!! Μακάρι να ημουν κι εγω εκει... »
« merci Philippos pour cette belle soirée crétoise »
« Beau spectacle que celui donné par les danseurs crétois de G. Megalakakis. J’ai aussi apprécié les vidéos qui ponctuaient les différents tableaux »
« Θερμά συγχαρητήρια !!! Sincères félicitations!!! »

philippos dellatolas
Workshops |
Festivals |
17 Apr 2010
Sofia, "Hristo Botev" Sports Hall
National folk dance festival “Horo se vie, izviva”
"Horo se vie, izviva" - National festival for folk group
The 4 edition of the “Horo se vie, izviva” National folkdance festival will be held on April 17, 2010 in "Hristo Botev" Sports Hall in Sofia, Bulgaria.
This is the third meeting of Bulgarian horo clubs and it occurred thanks to ”Dimitar Dinev” cultural house - Sofia, it followed the idea of Eva Delinesheva, who is an executive secretary at “Dimitar Dinev” cultural house - Sofia.
Applications will be accepted up to 31.03.2010
For contact:
e–mail: d_dinev34@abv.bg
Eva Delinesheva: 0898776347
Zoya Grigorova: 0895417331
Balkanfolk Calendar
Festivals |
17 Apr 2010
- 18 Apr 2010
Local des Eclusiers, 70, 15th Ave. Lachine, Montreal (Quebec)
Saint-Lazare / Lazarovden Festival
Week-end celebration of Bulgarian folklore with special guest specialists, Iliana Bozhanova (dance teacher) and Todor Yankov (accordionist) from Plovdiv, Bulgaria. Saturday night Bulgarian party hosted by Yves Moreau with Folk Orchestra «Na Megdana» and performance of «Balgari» Dance group of Montreal.
Yves Moreau
Concerts |
20 Apr 2010
Theater “Bulgarian Army”, Sofia
Concert in memory of Metodi Koutev
Metody Koutev - one of the most talented choreographers in Bulgaria is the creator of many folklore dances for stage and bulgarian choreography .
Enjoy the magic of Bulgarian folk dances performed by: Folk Dance Group "Balkan", Student Dance Ensemble "Zornitsa" and Folklore Ensemble "Jar".
April 20, 2010
Home 19:00
Theatre “Bulgarian Army”,
98 Rakovski Str.
View Theatre “Bulgarian Army” in a larger map
Balkanfolk Calendar
Competitions |
21 Apr 2010
Sofia, Bulgaria
Competition - festival for folk dance groups
On 21.04.2010. from 11.00
A competition - festival for folk dance groups, performers to 14 years old, will be held at the Youth Culture House "Sredets, Sofia .
Organizer: Sofia Municipal Council
11 results, 2 pages |
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