Workshops |
9 Apr 2011
13090 Aix-en-Provence, France
Workshop for Bulgarian Folk Dances
Folk dance seminar for Bulgarian dances with Maya Mihneva - Choreographer
In a friendly atmosphere, one begins by hand to make a "horo" or "rachenitsa!
3 stages prévus - 1ère date : 3 courses planned - the first date:
SAMEDI 9 AVRIL 2011 Saturday, April 9, 2011
de 15 h à 17 h from 15 am to 17 pm
More information:
Mireille : 06 10 20 21 87
Zlatina : 06 16 22 65 66
Bulletin d'inscription à retourner avant le 27 mars 2011: Registration form to be returned before March 27, 2011:
Boris Dimitrov