 | Lyaski |  | Ludo kopano |  | Pazardjishka kopanitsa |  | Chibur |  | Trite pati |  | Lipnishko horo |  | Djinovsko |  | Kopcheto |  | Neda voda nalivala |  | Trite pati |  | Cherkezkata |  | Radomirsko horo |  | Mari Stoyne |  | Dalgata |  | Sborinka |
2 results, 1 page |
Festivals |
27 Jul 2021
Primorsko, Bulgaria
National Folklore Festival PRIMORSKI RHYTHMS 2021
National Folklore Festival PRIMORSKI RITMI 2021, Primorsko - 27.07.2021, included in the Cultural Calendar of the Municipality of Primorsko for 2021.
The festival aims to promote Bulgarian folklore, creating friendships between amateurs from all over the country.
The festival program is on one of the most attractive stages on the Black Sea coast - Amphitheater PRIMORSKO, which gathers a large audience in the heart of the city.
The festival is non-competitive.
The folklore program of each formation should last 10-15 minutes.
The performances of the ensembles are at an evening concert on 27.07. 2021 on the stage of Amphitheater PRIMORSKO on the Central Town Square.
The organizer of the festival is Perlita Fashion House - a manufacturer of folk costumes and stage costumes.
Inquiries for regulations, accommodation options and application for participation can be made at the official address of the festival: primorskiritmi@gmail.com

Boris Dimitrov
Festivals |
1 Aug 2021
- 3 Aug 2021
Summer Theater - Varna
Varna Summer Folklore Festival - 2021
Varna Summer Folklore Festival - 2021
01-03 August 2021, Summer Theater - Varna
AUGUST 1 (Sunday) 8:30 p.m.
Ensemble "Bulgarin" - Varna
Creative director: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ivaylo Ivanov
Choreographers: Dilyan Galev, Polina Galeva
Concert - performance of Northern Ensemble for Folk Songs and Dances "Ivan Valev" - Pleven
Director: Danail Tsolov
Chief artistic director: Krassimir Kondov
AUGUST 2 (Monday) 8:30 p.m.
ABNPT "Patriotism" - Taraclia, Moldova
Director of the ensemble: Nina Aututova
Leader of the dance troupe - Olesya Todorova
Conductor of the orchestra: Tsvetan Tsonev
Conductor of the vocal ensemble: Maria Tsoneva
PFA "Dobrudja" - Dobrich
Chief Artistic Director: Stoyan Gospodinov Conductor of the orchestra: Zhivko Zhelev
Choreographer: Ivan Ivanov
Tutors: Ivanka Ruseva and Marian Opalchenov
AUGUST 3 (Tuesday) 8:30 p.m.
Kapan Ensemble - Razgrad
Director: Svetoslav Stoychev
People leader: Ruska Stancheva
Conductor of the orchestra: Rumen Bonchev
Dance group leaders: Pavlin Zanev and Emilia Gancheva
Zornitsa Folklore Ensemble - Sofia
Artistic director: Emil Genov
Tutor: Ruzha Peneva
Accompanist: Danail Totev
AUGUST 1 20:00 "Sink" stage
Opening of the 25th International Fair of Crafts and Arts
The event on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/events/508878570335325/

Boris Dimitrov
2 results, 1 page |
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