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Theme Learn to Sing Info - Help You Learn to Sing and Enjoy Beautiful Songs
User learnsing01
Date 17.01.2009 16:04 Reply
Text Singorama is an online course that says it will teach you to sing with professional quality and
They even provide you with your own software so you can record your voice using your own computer.
This is where Singorama goes above and beyond a standard course. It also comes with pitch training
software that is quite excellent.precision within 3 months.Overall, you’re not going to get this kind
of training for this price. If I had to say anything bad about this course it would be this. As good
as it is, if you’re not blessed with a functional voice box, there is only so much you’re going to
get out of this. Yes, it will improve anybody’s singing by 100%, but if you sound like a screeching
cat to begin with, there is little chance that this course is going to turn you into a professional singer.

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