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"Zlatoprystia from Strandja" (The Goldfingered from Strandja)
"Zlatoprystia from Strandja" (The Goldfingered from Strandja)

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"Zlatoprystia from Strandja" (The Goldfingered from Strandja)
2 March 2006 - Sofia, Bulgaria

On the 2nd of March 2006, in the Filip Kutev hall, in the The Union of Bulgarian Composers, was presented the book "Zlatoprystia from Strandja" by Mihail Bukureshliev, who described the life and the work of his friend and famous kaval-player Stoyan Velichkov.

On the presentation, in Stoyan Velichkov’s honor the Orchestra for Folklore Music to the Bulgarian National Radio performed three pieces. The concert finishes with a performance of Folklore Formation "Stefan Kynev", who, under the guidance of their choir-master Mihail Bukureshliev, have performed the songs, arranged by Stefan Kynev "Nedo, biala Nedo" (Nedo, white Nedo), "Ia chujte, chijte (Listen, Listen), and "Gankino horo".

On this event were present the folklore singer Ianka Rupkina and the very own Stoyan Velichkov, who in spite of his failing health talked with the guests and stayed during the following celebration. And even played on his famous kaval. 

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Ema Konova

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