201 results, 21 pages |
Lazarov day in the village of Chiren - Northwestern Bulgaria (3 photos)
Photos from the celebration of the Lazarov day (Lazarov den) in the village Chiren, Northwestern Bulgaria
Photos from "IV competition for the big dance prize of Sofia" (14 photos)
On 27 March 2011. in the hall of the House of Culture Trade Union of Transport Workers in Sofia Bulgaria finished "IV competition for the big dance prize of Sofia. Organizer of the competition is the Association of Dancers under the patronage of Sofia Municipal Council.
The competition is attended by folk ensembles and dance groups in three age groups.
Add a photo from the contest by using the right menu.
Формация "Нашенци" - фотосесия 2011 - NASHENCI Formation (19 photos)
Формация „Нашенци” (www.nashenci.org), млади хора, които с професионалните си умения и талант помагат на съвременните българи да изживеят своя празник в цялото богатство на традициите и обредите, да открият красотата и дълбокия смисъл на вековни ритуали, които всеки от нас носи в гените си.
За Вашия незабравим празник, ние предлагаме:
* оркестър за извеждане на булката от бащиния дом;
* фолклорно посрещане на младоженците в ресторанта;
* богата фолклорна програма;
* шопски хумор;
* ритуал „Кумска ръченица”;
* кукерски игри;
* нестинарски танци;
* модерни и характерни танци.
Заложете на качественото и красивото изпълнение!
Bulgarian Martenitsa Tree Worldwide (2 photos)
On Martenitza Day this year several cities around the globe will brighten up their squares with red and white Martenitza Trees. This project was initiated by an informal non-profit organisation of Bulgarian migrants in different countries who challenged all Bulgarian communities in the world to decorate a tree in every city on every continent for the traditional celebration of First of March, Baba Marta´s day. The main goals of the Project Martenitza are: sharing the ancient Bulgarian traditions with other cultures and creating a positive image for everything Bulgarian.
Photos of the tamboura - stringed musical instrument (5 photos)
Pictures of musical instruments tambura made by one of the best Bulgarian artists - Stefan Stefanov. You can buy a tambura in our online store.
Tamburata stringed musical instrument is typical for Bulgaria, Macedonia, Iran, Avganistan, Kurdistan, Tajikistan, Pakistan, India and Croatia.
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Pictures of Bulgarian Folk Dance Ensemble “BALKAN” - Sofia (7 photos)
Pictures of Bulgarian Folk Dance Ensemble “BALKAN”, Sofia., Christmas concert, 14 December 2010 - Osvobojdenie Cinema (Trade Union of Transport Workers' House) "Maria Luiza" No. 106
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201 results, 21 pages |
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