Festivals |
22 Jun 2009
- 30 Jun 2009
III. International Kocaeli "GOLDEN PISMANIYE"Cultures, Arts and Folklore Festival...
1.Accommodation and meals during the festival in the youth pensıon or hotel ( rooms are with 3 or 4 bed and each room has bath and wc ).
2 Participants who will participate festival by bus, organization will give 100 lt. gasoline. Groups who will travel by plane, organization responsible of all transfers. (İstanbul Airport – İzmit)
3.English speaking interpreter for each troupe will be ready.
4- Participants must be maximum 35 person and ages must be minimum 18 years old.
5- All of the shows are with live music interpreted by the group (no recorded music)
6.All groups can sell their own culturel products in places, where comittee will show..
7- Participants will send their name list with ages till 31.05.2009
Contact : Arif Sönmez (Anatolıan Folk Dance Group)
Tel / Fax: + 90 232 330 31 57
Arif Sönmez
Send Email to the Organizers of the Event