Festivals |
27 Jun 2011
- 3 Jul 2011
Denizli - TÜRKİYE
XI.Internatıonal Folk Dance Festıval
Denizli Munıcıpalıty Internatıonal Folk Dance will take place between the 27 June - 03 July 2011 in Denizli, Türkiye. Internatıonal Festıval of Organızing Committee, Anatolıan Folk Dance Group and PAHOY-Pamukkale Folk Dance Youth Club.
1. Accomodatıon 6 nıghts in youth hostel 2. Three meals a day. 3. The groups will not give pay cost of the transport to İstanbul Aırport and local transport. 4. An Englısh - speaking guide 5. Integratıon meetings and evening partıes,sightseeing and boat tour in İstanbul 6. Normal health insurance for each partıcıpant during the festıval. 7. Gifts for each person, t-shırt,hat,partıcıpant's card 8. 250 LT of petrol will given for these actıvıtıes to each bus 9. Pocket money wiill not be paid to the groups by Festıval Commıttee
1. The ages of the dancers : has to be from 16 years old. 2. The number of members of the group : Maxımum 35 people. The festıval commıttee isn't obliged to accommodate and provide meals for extra people. 3. The number of the members excluding the dancers : Maximum 10 people.(Admınıstrator teachers,musıcıans,drıvers and others) 4. The groups are requested to arrıve in İstanbul on 27 June and depart on 03 july 2011 The groups who will arrıve by bus must be in the hostel on 27 June 2011 at 12:00 - 16:00 5. Each group should bring flags of their countrıes with them. 6. We will prefer groups with live musıc but recorded music also possıble. 7. The advance programme should only be changed by the festıval committee in special circumstances, ex if another group does not appear at the festıval, or if the wheather requires a change in plans.The groups be flexible in these circumstances. 8. All the groups are requested to bring one man and one women tradıtıonal costumes for the museum of Costume.
Your Sıncerely,
The Dırector Of Anatolıan Folk Dance Group Representatıve of Intern. Groups From Gogakou Folk Camp Greece Festıval Menager
www.anatolianfolk.org www.anatolianfests.com
turkei_iov@yahoo.com info@anatolianfolk.org
Address : P.K 40, 35541 - Denizbostanlısı , İzmir - TÜRKİYE
Arif Sönmez
Send Email to the Organizers of the Event