Concerts |
30 Nov 2010
Plovdiv, Bulgaria
The 30th Anniversary of the Art Academy of Music and Dance in Plovdiv
The concert for the 30th Anniversary of the Art Academy of Music and Dance in Plovdiv will be held November 30 in the auditorium of the Academy in Plovdiv. Created in 1980 by Professor Stephnie Mutafchivev, it is headed for over 20 years by Professor Teodora Spassova.
Many parts and pieces were written and directed by Ivan Spassov Stefan Mutafchiev Diamandiev Asen, Kiril Stefanov, Nikolay Stoykov, N. Kaufman, Anastas Naumov, Krassimir Kyurkchiyski and others.
From the very first performances, the choir became the first phenomenon of the new wave Folk.
Since autumn 2004, the choir is directed by Dr. Buradzhiev and is composed entirely by students of the Academy folksong.
For all the artistic achievements in November 2008, the choir led by Dr. Buradzhiev received the highest national award for music in Bulgaria (Crystal Lyre), the price of the founders of the Union of Bulgarian Musicians and Dancers, the Department Culture and Classic FM.
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