Workshops |
12 Mar 2011
- 13 Mar 2011
Workshop Bulgarian Singing with Kalinka Vulcheva (former Mystery of Bulgarian Voices solis)
Singing will be taught without solfege. It doesn't matter if participants cannot speak or understand Bulgarian language.
Songs from all parts from Bulgaria will be choosen by the teacher according to the participants' level.
A concert/dance show will be performed on 12rd March with Kalinka Vulcheva, Emmanuel Frin (gaida) and Boris Dinev (tapan) if there are enough participants.
Fees: 45 euros per person.
Contact : Club Gaida ( or Chavdar Aldazhov (+352 691 58 78 08) or Emmanuel Frin (+352 621 49 47 90)
Emmanuel FRIN
Send Email to the Organizers of the Event