Festivals |
14 May 2011
Palace of Culture and sports "Vasil Levski" - Veliko Tarnovo
"Bolyarsko nadigravane 2011"
Municipality Veliko Tarnovo, Association Folklore ensemble "Pobeda", Club for folk dances "Tarnovska Tsaritsa" and Dance folk club "Pobeda"
"Bolyarsko nadigravane 2011"
First national festival for amateur dancing clubs
Festival "Bolyarsko nadigravane 2011" will be held on 14.05.2011 10:00 AM at Palace of Culture and sports "Vasil Levski" - Veliko Tarnovo
Deadline for submission of Application Form 15.04.2011 on e-mail: pobedadance@abv.bg
Application form
Boris Dimitrov
Send Email to the Organizers of the Event