Festivals |
23 May 2013
- 26 May 2013
Kaunas National Culture Centre
XXVIII International Folklore Festival "Atataria lamzdziai-2013"
Kaunas National Culture Centre of Lithuania is the organizer of XXVIII International Folklore Festival "Atataria lamzdziai-2013" (translation "Echoes Trumpets-2013"). This festival will be held in May 23-26th in 2013. This festival is dedicated to the beauty of dialects.
We believe that the festival will be decorated by your concerts in the city streets and squares, workshops, dance evenings, an exhibition of old books and amazing mood and good experient for everyone of us.
It would be great honour to invite your group to come to Lithuania and demonstrate your traditions in folklore.
If you can not to take part of our festival, then we ask you to recommend your friends an authentic folklore group. It would be a great honor to make contact with them and invite them to this festival. Please contact Mrs. Gintare Putiniene, the Event’s organizer if you have any questions regarding the festival at +370 679 36737 or by e-mail info@ktkc.lt.
If you are interested please read the additional information. I am waiting for your answer no matter posotive or negative it is.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
Kaunas National Culture Centre
Depute director for holding,
Event's organizer
Gintarė Putinienė
phone.: +37067936737, +37068718983
Balkanfolk Calendar
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