Festivals |
6 Jul 2013
- 9 Jul 2013
Paralia - GREECE
Traditional folks and arts dance groups ....
Type of groups that can participate: Traditional folks and arts dance groups
- Number and age of participants is not limited
- Each group should bring a flag of their country.
- The group should have prepared at least 15-20 minutes program accompanied by orchestra or CD
- The registration form should be sent before 31st of March, 2013 in order to confirm your participation. Once you have submitted your registration form, a confirmation will be delivered to you along with payment instructions. Only 25% of the total amount should be paid before 10th of April 2013, for garant tax and reservation. The invitation letter will be sent to you after reveivimg your payment receipt. The rest of the total ammount for the group, must be received in the day of your arrival in Pieria.
6/7/2013: Day of arrival - Check in at hotel – A detailed program and a person in charge will be provided to each group. Free time for swimming, walk to the markets and clubs – Dinner (in consultation with the hotel).
7/7/2013: Breakfast - Free day from morning till noon-Swimming or Optional excursion – Midday meal (in consultation with the hotel). - At 8:00a.m. we will go to the place where the show will be held - parade and performance – After performance meal will be offered.
8/7/2013: Breakfast - Free day from morning till noon- Swimming or Optional excursion – Midday meal (in consultation with the hotel). - At 8:00a.m. we will go to the place where the show will be held - parade and performance – After performance meal will be offered
9/7/2013: Breakfast – All day free, for shopping – swimming at the beach - Optional excursion. Dinner (in consultation with the hotel).
10/7/2013: Breakfast- Departure of the groups.
Registration fee is 108 euro per person
The arrangment price includes :
- 5 days (4 nights) (half board - breakfast and dinner) in 2* hotels (in three-bed rooms) by the seaside of Pieria
Hotels: www.rgstatushotel.gr , www.reginamare.com.gr, www.hotellilalo.gr , www.pieriamare.gr, www.hotelhelios.gr, www.achillionhotel.com.gr, www.hotelnafsika.gr , www.hotelmouses.gr .
- Every 25 participants one is free.
Contact : Arif SÖNMEZ + 90 534 600 1879 turkei_iov@yahoo.com
Tanya Dermendzhiyska +359 885 609695
Applıcatıon Form
Arif Sönmez
Send Email to the Organizers of the Event