Festivals |
1 Aug 2021
- 3 Aug 2021
Summer Theater - Varna
Varna Summer Folklore Festival - 2021
Varna Summer Folklore Festival - 2021
01-03 August 2021, Summer Theater - Varna
AUGUST 1 (Sunday) 8:30 p.m.
Ensemble "Bulgarin" - Varna
Creative director: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ivaylo Ivanov
Choreographers: Dilyan Galev, Polina Galeva
Concert - performance of Northern Ensemble for Folk Songs and Dances "Ivan Valev" - Pleven
Director: Danail Tsolov
Chief artistic director: Krassimir Kondov
AUGUST 2 (Monday) 8:30 p.m.
ABNPT "Patriotism" - Taraclia, Moldova
Director of the ensemble: Nina Aututova
Leader of the dance troupe - Olesya Todorova
Conductor of the orchestra: Tsvetan Tsonev
Conductor of the vocal ensemble: Maria Tsoneva
PFA "Dobrudja" - Dobrich
Chief Artistic Director: Stoyan Gospodinov Conductor of the orchestra: Zhivko Zhelev
Choreographer: Ivan Ivanov
Tutors: Ivanka Ruseva and Marian Opalchenov
AUGUST 3 (Tuesday) 8:30 p.m.
Kapan Ensemble - Razgrad
Director: Svetoslav Stoychev
People leader: Ruska Stancheva
Conductor of the orchestra: Rumen Bonchev
Dance group leaders: Pavlin Zanev and Emilia Gancheva
Zornitsa Folklore Ensemble - Sofia
Artistic director: Emil Genov
Tutor: Ruzha Peneva
Accompanist: Danail Totev
AUGUST 1 20:00 "Sink" stage
Opening of the 25th International Fair of Crafts and Arts
The event on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/events/508878570335325/
Boris Dimitrov
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