Concerts |
26 Apr 2008
Brussels, Belgium
A Bulgarian likewise Ball
On 26 April 2008 (Saturday) in Brussels, Belgium a concert of Bulgarian folklore music and demonstration of Bulgarian folklore dances will e held. The music will be played by a Bulgarian-Belgian band:
Guitar: Benjamin Clement, Zongora Trio
Viola: Nicolas Hauzeur and Renaud Crols, Zongora Trio
Clarinet: Mladen Mladenov
The dances will be performed by ‘Sedyanka’ dance formation, led by Alain and Anne Sansen.
The show will be e a masterly demonstration of the specifics of Bulgarian traditional music – the asymmetric rhythms and typical sound of Bulgarian traditional music instruments.
The dances, being so colourful and dynamic, will be a magnificent and unforgettable presentation of the genial Bulgarian traditional art.
Welcome to those who are nearby!
ann vannieuwenhuyze
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