7 results, 1 page |
Carnivals |
28 Feb 2008
- 9 Mar 2008
Lefkas, Greece
Carnival 2008 in the town of Lefkas
Carnival 2008 in the town of Lefkas 28th February - 9 March 2008
Lefkada is the fourth largest island in the Ionian Sea located between Corfu and Cephalonia . A thin strip of sea (50m) is all that separates the island from the prefecture of Akarnania . The two coasts are connected with a bridge.
For more information visit at: www.lefkasculturalcenter.gr
An international folklore festival is held too in the twon of Lefkas, Lefkada island in Greece, every year in August.
Balkanfolk Calendar
Concerts |
5 Mar 2008
One year children's dance ensemble Zornitza
One year children's dance ensemble "Zornitza";
On March 5th 2007 the children's dance ensemble "Zornitza" will celebrate its first Birthday with concert!
When: 19.00 h
Where: Mladost 1,
community center "MLADOST" (near the market)
Ivailo Parvanov
Workshops |
8 Mar 2008
- 9 Mar 2008
Brest, France
Greek Islands Dances Weekend
A weekend of Greek dances taught by Theodora Vlessa is a teacher at the danse association Nisyros in Athens. Open for beginners and for advanced performers. The venue will take place at Arc en Ciel Hall.
Workshops |
15 Mar 2008
- 16 Mar 2008
8670 Koksijde (Belgium)
Macedonian dances with Joška Bosilkovski
Macedonian (Skopje) folk dance seminar with Joška Bosilkovski from Bitola.
For more information see the flyer (Dutch, french)
For contact: Bernard Duthoy (balkanbrugge@telenet.be)
Flyer in french
Flyer in dutch
Bernard Duthoy
Concerts |
18 Mar 2008
Sava Centar, Belgrade - Serbia
10th anniversary of Folk Dance Ensemble "TALIJA"
The great show celebrating the 10th anniversary of Folk-dance ensemble "TALIJA" is going to be held on the 18th March 2008 in Sava Centar at 20.00 h.
We would be very happy and honoured to have You with us on that evening.
Dragan Pantelic
Art director and manager
Folk-dance ensemble "TALIJA"
+381 63 770 24 58
+381 64 2711 388
Balkanfolk Calendar
Competitions |
22 Mar 2008
"Triaditsa" Sports Hall in Sofia
Bulgarian National Folk Dance Festival “Horo se vie, izviva”
The second edition of the “Horo se vie, izviva” National folk dance festival will be held on March 22, 2008 in "Triaditsa" Sports Hall in Sofia, Bulgaria.
This is the second meeting of Bulgarian horo clubs and it occurred thanks to the support of the cultural department at the Triaditsa district in Sofia and, it followed the idea of Eva Delinesheva, who is an executive secretary at “Dimitar Dinev” cultural house - Sofia.
See pictures from First festival "Horo se vie, izviva"
Борис Димитров
Workshops |
29 Mar 2008
- 30 Mar 2008
Groningen, The Netherlands
Weekend Macedonian Dances in Groningen
Folk dance seminar for Macedonian folk dances in Groningen with Saško Anastasov from Veles (Macedonia).
In October 2006 Saško taught us with a lot of enthousiasm some authentic Macedonian dances, accompanied by his tapan, a clarinetplayer and an accordeonplayer.
This year he will come again, also with live music!
Register and information:
Marja Roorda (The Netherlands)
tel: 050 5267275
Last date to register: 20 March 2008
Flyer in English
Борис Димитров
7 results, 1 page |