 | Varnensko horo |  | Trite pati |  | Aftanska rachenitsa |  | Dunavsko horo |  | Trite pati |  | Buchimish |  | Djinovsko |  | Chula te mama, Rado le |  | Pazardjishka kopanitsa |  | Sitno vlashko |  | Krivo horo |  | Boianovska rachenitsa |  | Kak se cuka cer piper 2/4 |  | Kukunjasa |  | Ludo kopano |
9 results, 1 page |
Folk Tours |
18 Aug 2009
- 1 Sep 2009
West Makedonia, Greece
10th tour-seminar of greek dance
Ten years have passed since Kyriakos Moisidis first began his traditional Greek dance conferences. This 10th Anniversary year will consequently be even more special and celebratory than the previous years. Classes by local teachers and specialists in traditional dance, costume and song will be shared during the two sessions of the seminar. The structure of this year’s seminar will be in two parts offered either separately or together.
The first ten-day long session will take place August 18-27, 2009. We will travel to Western Macedonia, encompassing the towns of Edessa, Siatista and Veroia which will serve as the residential bases where the classes will be held. From these towns we will travel to 3 – 4 surrounding villages where we will be entertained nightly with musical celebrations and participatory dancing with the local inhabitants. A wonderful opportunity to delve into regional traditions as a living and daily entity. We will partake in the traditional cuisines that will be offered by the women of the villages and watch presentations of their traditional dress. We will sing their local songs and dance the dances found in their village alongside them. We will have a singular opportunity to discover the varieties of the cultural groups that inhabit the villages close to Aridaia, Giannitsa, Florina, Kozani, Siatista Grevena, Pieria Mountains, Roumlouki, as well as the Thracian and Pontian refugee villages found in the surrounding areas. Lastly, we will also visit the local museums and the archeological sites of Vergina and Pella.
The second four-day long session will take place August 28 – September 1, 2009. The remainder of the seminar will take us to the island of Ammouliani located off the coast of Mount Athos Peninsula. Here, we will review the previous session’s dances and songs, and continue drawing on the knowledge of those who will share their life and experiences with us. This part of the seminar gives us the unique opportunity for all of us to enjoy not only what was and will be learned, but to enjoy the beaches and scenery of the island.

Kyriakos Moisidis
Competitions |
30 Aug 2009
- 26 Sep 2009
Bucharest, Romania
19th George Enescu International Competition 2009
The 19th George Enescu International Competition 2009 is announced for, Piano, Violine and Composition.
It would be highly appreciated if you supported our activities to draw young musician’s attention to this Competition.
Please do not hesitate to ask for more brochures!
All detailed information are available via internet at www.festivalenescu.ro
The Competition is part of the George Enescu International Festival that takes place in Bucharest between the 30th of August and the 26th of September 2009.
Mihai Constantinescu
"George Enescu"
International Festival and Competition
Cal. Victoriei nr.155 bl. D1, sc. 8 et. 2
010073 Bucharest
mobile: + 40 21 317 8081
Balkanfolk Calendar
Festivals |
1 Sep 2009
- 5 Sep 2009
Hanioti , Greece
International Children Folklore Festival in Hanioti - Greece
It is a great honour for us to invite you to our International Folk Festival in Hanioti Greece.
Hanioti is a small and very picturesque village in Halkidiki, situated on the peninsula's first prong, only a 60 minute drive from Greece's northern capital, Thessaloniki, visited by more then 200000 tourist every year. Upon arrival, every visitor will be captivated by this small picturesque paradise that has been designed to cater for the needs of even the most discerning traveler and guarantee a relaxing and memorable stay. The village features hotels with all the necessary facilities, numerous restaurants and traditional taverns that will satisfy every family, as well as modern bars and dance-clubs geared to providing evening entertainment to all age-groups. In the center of Hanioti you can see the Amphitheatre where the Festival is performed in presence of thousand visitors.
Please find attached the Festival conditions for September, 2009. Hope that you will find it interesting and give an opportunity to the international audience to enjoy in the spectacular performances, to meet your culture and traditional and modern dances of your country.
Please have in attention that only 6 applications will be accepted.
You can also visit our web site www.makfolk.com.mk for more details and information.
Biljana Bojadzievska
Marketing & PR Manager
Mob: +389 70 830 415 (spoken english)
+389 75 285 612 (spoken russian)
Fax: +389 2 2743 052

Balkanfolk Calendar
Festivals |
10 Sep 2009
Balkanfolk Calendar
Competitions |
10 Sep 2009
- 12 Sep 2009
mitko mitko
Festivals |
15 Sep 2009
- 20 Sep 2009
Bodrum / TURKEY
IV.Intern. Ortakent - Yahşi Folk Festıval..
(Bodrum wellcom the World)
SEPTEMBER 15 – 20 , 2009
Contact: Arif Sönmez
Arif Sönmez
Fests |
26 Sep 2009
- 10 Oct 2009
Balkanfolk Calendar
Competitions |
29 Sep 2009
- 3 Oct 2009
concert halls of St.Petersburg, Russia
International Contest «INTERFOLK»
А – folk vocal, authentic folklore (choruses and folk bands)
B – modern adaptation of folk music, classic vocal (choruses and bands)
С – folk vocal (soloists, duetts)
D – dance companies (folk dances)
Е – instrumental bands (folk tunes)
No limitations are placed on age or number of participants.
Contest procedure:
The contest shall consist of 2 rounds:
First round of the contest
To participate in the first round artists will present two pieces based on popular (folklore) material of any country, the whole performance during no more than 10 minutes.
Upon completion of the first round the jury will determine winners and diploma holders of contest, and will award special prizes.
Summing up and distribution of awards to winners and diploma holders of the Festival will be carried out based on the jury records. Performers which took part in trials will be awarded the following titles:
• Winner (three classes, by categories)
• Diploma holder (three classes, by categories)
• Participant
Second round of contest (I part)
Only the 1 and 2 class Winners (by decision of the jury) will pass in the second round. To participate in in the second round each team will perform one piece based on popular (folklore) material of any country lasting no more than 3 minutes. Artists may not repeat any pieces which they performed in the first round.
Second round of contest (II part)
Holders of the “Gold Diploma” will compete for the Grand Prix of contest.
Each team will perform one piece based on popular (folklore) material of any country lasting no more than 3 minutes. Artists may not repeat any pieces which they performed earlier.
The following title is awarded by results of contest:
• Grand Prix Winner
Participation fee:
To participate in contest, artists should submit an application and pay a fee:
Soloists – 30 euro
A group of less than 12 members – 50 euro (per group)
A group of more than 12 members – 100 euro (per group)
The participants pay the fee before September 1, 2009. In case of refusal after September 1, 2009 the entrance fee doesn’t refund.

Elena Bizina
Festivals |
29 Sep 2009
- 4 Oct 2009
St.Petersburg, Russia
International Festival "INTERFOLK” IN RUSSIA
The key object of the Festival is to promote interaction between cultures in the field of folk art. The essential idea of the Organizers comes down to assemble teams from different countries of the world in St. Petersburg for close interaction, with a view to afford further cross-enrichment of cultures and to promote international cultural cooperation.
Vocal groups performing folk music: choruses and bands
Dance groups performing popular dances
Instrumental groups: orchestras and bands, performing folk music
Teams enacting fragments of folk celebrations, customs, ceremonies, popular games, etc.
A team should include no less than three members, no other limitations are placed on age or number of participants!
• The Festival is a charity event, participants will not receive any payment for concerts;
• All participants of the Festival will pay their travel, meals and accommodation at their own cost. The organising committee will provide hotels (hostels) at the option of respective team, and will arrange for feeding and cultural program (excursions) as agreed upon with participants;
• Each participant team will receive a diploma and a commemorative souvenir of the Festival,
• All the Festival events will be covered by press, radio channels and TV programs; participants’ information submitted to organising committee will be used in Festival advertising materials;
• A delegation may include not only artists, but also accompanying persons. No limitations are placed on number of artists and accompanying persons;
To participate in the Festival you should fill in the application form and send it by fax:
+7-812-328-39-21, e-mail to: interfolk@mail.ru , or send by ordinary mail to: 17-28, 2 Liniya, Saint Petersburg, 199004 Russia, not later than July 1, 2009.
Contact information of the Festival:
Tel./fax: +7-812-328-39-21
website: www.interfestplus.ru
e-mail: interfolk@mail.ru

Elena Bizina
9 results, 1 page |
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