 | Hei, Stanko |  | Srednogorska kopanitsa |  | Ludo kopano |  | Svatbarska rachenitsa |  | Neda voda nalivala |  | Pazardjishka kopanitsa |  | Krivo horo |  | Sitno vlashko |  | Pulevsko horo |  | Trite pati |  | Cherkezkata |  | Trite pati |  | Ograzhdensko and Malishevsko |  | Kak se cuka cer piper 2/4 |  | Djinovsko |
13 results, 2 pages |
Workshops |
26 Jun 2010
- 7 Jul 2010
Horefto - Mount Pelion - Greece
International Workshop in Greek dances - Horefto - Pelion
Workshop in Greek Dances
Panayiotis Mavropoulos
Festivals |
29 Jun 2010
- 4 Jul 2010
Denizli / TÜRKİYE
X.Denizli Folkdance & Musıc Festıval
The committee would like to invite ten Folkdance group (adult/young) under the cultural basic exchange conditions.
Please accept our sympathetic and best wishes from all of us and say HELLO to your group.
Arif Sönmez
The Dırector of Anatolıan Folk Dance Groups
Festıval Organıser
Arif Sönmez
Festivals |
4 Jul 2010
- 10 Jul 2010
Istanbul, Turkey
51 International Aksehir Folklore Festival
Istanbul Turkiye Harman Folklore Fes tival organisation would like seeing your dance group in KONYA / AKSEHIR city International folk festival, which will be held 4-10 JULY in 2010. We are willing to organise, expand this International folklore festivale very year and would like to see different culture s from all over the World.
ACCOMODATION: All group s will s tay at the s ame University dormitory, room s including 4-5 beds, bath and toilet at the same floor.
PERFORMANCE: Groups will perform max 15 minute per afternoon. Groups can perform with CD or Live music. We can accept max 45 people including two bus drivers. Group’s dancer ages must be older than 16 years old. We will invite 8 countries .
TRANSPORTATION: The participant groups must pay their own travelex penses from their Country to Turkey and return. If group is coming bybus , Festival Municipality organisation committee will give to the groups free Gas oline only from Aksehir town Municipality petrol station.
Rasim pasa mah
Macit Erbulak Sok. No:21/2
81300 Kadıköy
Tel:++90 216 346 13 54 Faks:++90 216 346 13 08

jow smith
Festivals |
4 Jul 2010
- 9 Jul 2010
İskenderun / TÜRKİYE
29.Intern. İskenderun Tourısm & Culture Festıval
International Folkdance & Folkmusıc Festival will be held for the twenty-nıne time in İskenderun, Hatay between 04-09.July. 2010.
Festival's aim is to present the cultural tradition, living folklore and the rich ethnographic heritage of Turkey, to give an insight into the folklore tresure in other countries and regions, and to provide an opportunity for the members of groups preserving traditions in neighbouring countries to get together.Since İskenderun is the most important ınterestıng center of beautiful Medıterranean Sea, festival has a great atmosphere with colourful performances of participants.
It is with great pleasure to invite your group to “ International Folkdance & Folkmusıc Festival.”We hope that you will accept our invitation, so that we can get familiar with the art of your ensemble and the folklore of your country.
We look forward to welcoming you to İskenderun, July-2010
With very best wishes
Yours Sincerely,
Festıval Organıser
The Dırector of Anatolıan Folk Dance Group

Arif Sönmez
Workshops |
5 Jul 2010
- 15 Jul 2010
Ammouliani Halkidiki
11th Seminar of Greek Dance
The eleventh of our annual 10 days seminar on Greek traditional dance will be held July 5- 15 2010 in Ammouliani. This year’s repertoire will consist of dances from Nea Vyssa (Evros -Thrace), Kosti (East Thraki), Gumenissa (Central Macedonia) and Argyroupoli (Central Pontos) – all taught by Kyriakos Moisidis; dances from the island of Lesvos (North-east Aegean), taught by Thymios Sarantides; and dances from the island of Leros (South-east Aegean), taught by Antonis Ntalaris and Roula Hatzikonstantinidou. Also, songs from the above mentioned areas will be taught by Katerina Douka while Yiannis Amarantides will present the corresponding regional dress. As a supplement, lessons on percussion instruments as well as traditional bead work will be offered by Tasoula Kosmidou to those interested, for an additional small fee. Daily lessons, both morning and afternoon, will last about 4 – 4 ½ hours and will be given in English. At the start of the seminar each participant will receive a packet which will include written information concerning dances and regions, song texts as well as music CDs and the official seminar T-shirt.
During the span of the 10 days numerous “glendia”, dance parties, live music with the participation of various traditional music bands, are planned. There will also be a boat cruise around Mt Athos, the “Holy Mountain” or another excursion.
Accommodations will be provided by the Sunrise Hotel, located within the village, peaceful, and with views of the sea and Mt Athos. The rooms are equipped with TV, air conditioning, refrigerator and private bathrooms. Breakfast and dinner are included.
Ammouliani is a small and the only one island, located between the second and third “fingers” of the Halkidiki peninsula. The island has only one village, which, however, has numerous tavernas, cafes, a super market, pharmacy, etc. The stupendous coastline includes numerous beaches which attract Greek vacationers. Accessibility to the island is from the nearby port of Tripiti.
Kyriakos Moisidis was born in 1968 in Prohoma, Thessaloniki. He has studied Business Administration at the University of Macedonia in Thessaloniki and Physical Education and Athletics with a major in traditional Greek dance at the Aristotle University in Thessaloniki. Kyriakos has been studying traditional dances for 26 years and teaching for the past 24 years. Currently he is teaching traditional dances at the University of Macedonia at the Department of Music Science and Art and four dance groups all over the region of Thessaloniki. Kyriakos teaches at many seminars both in Greece and abroad. This seminar will be the eleventh annual seminar organized by Kyriakos.
The cost of the seminar is 750 €. A deposit of 150 € must be paid by May 31st, 2010
For more information please contact:
Kyriakos Moisidis, Vitsi 11, Sykies 56626, Greece
e-mails: moisidiskyriakos@gmail.com or krksm@hotmail.com
tel.: +302310672197 (home) or +306938949823 (mob)
Kyriakos Moisidis
Festivals |
7 Jul 2010
- 12 Jul 2010
St. Petersburg and Moscow, Russia
International Folk Festival “Two Capitals”
The main aim of the festival is a cultural friendship in the area of art and with the help of art. The main idea of the Organizers is to gather folk and national art groups of different trends (vocal, dance, instrumental, applied art) from all over the world and from all over Russia in St. Petersburg for close communication and presentation of their own national culture, getting acquainted with other cultures and future international collaboration
The idea of the festival is development of new forms of the communications and intercultural dialogue.
Performances of folk groups, vocal, dance instrumental group, songs and dances with the purpose of preservation of the national singing, musical and dancing cultural traditions.
Creating artistic atmosphere for participants of the festival, making evenings of friendship, organizing master classes to educate tolerance with young people.
Demonstration of the folk costume (exhibition of a historical costume and show of the national costumes as well as a fashion show of the modern clothes with elements of folklore).
Getting wide audience acquainted with the folk groups from all over the world, showing national games (involve the audience).
Demonstration of applied art.
Forming esthetic tastes of youth on the best examples of the folk art.
Educating and promoting the professional level of the directors of folk groups.
Attracting the attention of the International organizations to St.Petersburg as a multicultural city, development of the high image of the city as a cultural capital, based on the attitude to the national cultures.
Administration of Petrogradsky region of St.Petersburg
The Center of the International Cooperation «Tarragona»
The Center of the Artistic development “InterArt”, Moscow

Balkanfolk Calendar
Festivals |
9 Jul 2010
- 15 Jul 2010
Belgrade, Serbia
6th International Folk Dance and Song Festival in Belgrade
6th International Folk Dance and Song Festival in Belgrade from 9th till 15th July 2010 within the C.I.O.F.F. network of festivals will be organized under auspices of the Municipality of Belgrade.
Ten companies from abroad and five companies from Serbia will present traditional dances and songs from their communities.
Balkanfolk Calendar
Workshops |
13 Jul 2010
- 19 Jul 2010
Dances from Limnos, Lesvos and Chios
This year, we’ll discover new places : Molyvos, Skoutaros, Skamnia…
Memories and traditions, with Myrivilis’ book, Vasilis the Arvanite, as our guide and of course... Agiassos and Megalochori
Dance lessons, music, literature, history, sightseeing trips with the participation of Michalis Vouvelis
The price of 540 € includes:
o 6 nights (breakfast included)
o 6 meals (lunch or dinner, depending on the schedule of the day)
o Dance lessons (5 hours a day, 26 hours altogether)
o Day trips to the north of the island (Molyvos, Skamnia)
o Trips to Agiassos and Megalohori
o Dance and music in the evenings with local orchestras
Single room : + 120 € / Accompanying persons : 380 €
Maryse FABRE
Festivals |
15 Jul 2010
- 19 Jul 2010
Sofia, Bulgaria
International Folklore Festival Sofia 2010
3rd International Folk Festival Sofia 2010
The Third International Folklore Festival Sofia will be carried out from 15th to 19th of July 2010 in Sofia, Bulgaria.
The festival organizer is the Capital's Municipal Council - Sofia, Bulgaria.
The festival hasn't got a competitive character.
The festival is charge-free.
Ensembles for trained folklore can take part in the festival.
The committee of organization undertakes all expenses that are connected with the ensembles' stay in Sofia during the festival – accommodation and food.
The traveling expenses are on the participants' account.
The participants' number from every ensemble must be up to 35 people including all leaders, official guests and drivers.
official web site: www.SofiaFolkFest.com
Balkanfolk Calendar
Workshops |
19 Jul 2010
- 1 Aug 2010
Naxos Cyclades Greece
Workshop Seminar Festival, Dances & Music from the Greek Islands, Cyclads, Naxos
A seminar, workshop & festival in the heart of the tradition from the greek islands
From July 19th to August 1st, 2010
Tradition, dance, music, history & culture from the Kyklades
Nikos Kazantzakis, who lives one year in the village of Eggares, in 1896, and where he wrote “Anafora sto Greko”, “Report to El Greco”, another famous Cretan, wrote about Naxos :
“Αν ο παραδεισος ηταν στην γη, θα ηταυ εδω”
“If paradise were on earth, it would be here, in Naxos”
In July 2009, we suggest a festive, musical and cultural seminar in Naxos, the living and vibrating heart of the Kyklades, the very center of the the greek archipelago, the center of the musical and choreographic life for the 30 Kyklades.
After a whole and intense year of preparation, with a strong partnership with the Naxos community, the Council of Drymalias, and the Cultural Associations of the villages, we propose a unique 11-day seminar, in the rhythm of the “νησιωτικα” (“nisiotika”), in the rhythm of the waving, flowing and swaying music from those unique Greek islands.

philippos dellatolas
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