Festivals |
30 Aug 2011
- 6 Sep 2011
Greek Community Centre 4648 Elk Lake Drive Victoria BC Canada
Free admission, covered venue.
11 AM - 10 PM
Seven days of inexpensive Greek Food, Greek and international music and dance, Greek dance lessons, heritage demonstrations and Greek shop. Come and join the fun!
Karia Leschke
Workshops |
United States of America
2 Sep 2011
- 5 Sep 2011
Timber Ridge Camp
World Village Music and Dance Camp
International (mostly Balkan) dance, instrument, and singing classes daily and dance parties with live music nightly. Dance: Steve Kotansky (Albanian), Yuliyan Yordanov (Bulgarian). Singing: Merita Halili (Albanian), Carl Linich (Georgian), Tzvety Weiner (Bulgarian), Eva Salina Primack (Rom/Balkan), Instrument and ensemble classes: Raif Hyseni, Kalin Kirilov, Loretta Kelley, Stoyan Kostov, Georgi Doichev, Valery Georgiev
Jamie Platt