 | Boina |  | Vodeno horo |  | Pazardjishka kopanitsa |  | Chetvorno horo |  | Buchimish |  | Chibur |  | Chapraz |  | Chetvorno |  | Djinovsko |  | Na poyas |  | Krivoto |  | Stoyne, Stoyne, byalo Stoyne |  | Rachenitsa |  | Gankino horo |  | Daychovo horo |
3 results, 1 page |
Competitions |
Czech Republic
3 Jan 2012
- 9 Jan 2012
International children festival-contest "Winter Czech Melody" in Prague with money prize
Dear friends,
Company Pitagross invites you to take part in an International musical youth and children’s festivals, which will take place in Prague, Czech Republic.
We are glad to inform you about the MONEY GRAND-PRIX PRIZE for the winner group - 1000 euro.
In festivals can participate collectives of different genres: Academic and folk choirs, vocal groups, soloists, choreographic collectives, soloists of folk and modern dance, orchestras and string, wind and folk ensembles, folk groups and others.
During the festival every collective gets an opportunity to present their contest program and to get an international diploma. Festival’s judges are honored figures of the Czech culture, teachers of leading musical and choreographic institutes of Prague.
Don’t be hesitating to ask questions. Our email is vl.asya@mail.ru
We are looking forward to meeting you!
You can find more information on our web page www.pitagross.cz
Pitagross s.r.o.
Festivals |
Czech Republic
4 Jan 2012
- 9 Jan 2012
Dear festival friends, We will be happy to invite your art-group for the participation in the
City Hall of Prague, Ministry of the education of the Czech Republic,
President of the Usti region.DATES & VENUES OF HOLDING OF THE FESTIVAL –CONTEST:The festival is held from 4th. to 9th.of January 2012 in Krusnohorske theatre of Teplice, Congress Hall of Prague;City Hall of Karlovy Vary, Dresden & Berlin
Regular application dateline: 30rd. of October 2011
Special offer application dateline: 15th. of October 2011
Get the 50% off for the entertainment trip to the biggest Tropical -Aqua Island in Europe
We are invite children and youths groups and soloist’s performers at 6 to 26 years take part in the following nominations: Show groups ; Circus arts;Choreography – solo & groups (folk - -ethnic dance, classic – neo-classic dance, contemporary/ Modern Jazz, Tap, Variety Dance, formation and couples’ in Ballroom & Latin-American dance, disco dance large and small formation, Hip-Hop, Acrobatic Dance ); Musical Theatres; Singing (folk, academic, variety, jazz, pop) – solo, groups and choirs; Singing for the students of music schools (folk, academic, variety) – solo, groups and choirs; Folk instruments – groups (large and small), orchestras; Instrumental music – groups (Chamber Orchestras, Symphonic Wind Ensembles, Brass orchestras and others)
The festivals of the Endowment Fund International Youth Forum has been in existence since 2002 and is now a biennial event. It has established itself as an intimate, friendly, well-organized event with an emphasis on making life as easy as possible for participating groups and their directors.
Main events:
• Competition in different categories;
• Opening ceremony with concert of the participants;
• Series of master - classes of maestros from foreign countries.
• Conference ;
• Teachers club ( creative meetings )
• Entertainment for children, meetings with foreign groups, parties, sight- sing of the historical places in the different city’s of Czech Republic and Europe
• Awarding ceremony and gala concert .
FINANCIAL CONDITIONS.The price of accommodation according the program “A” or “B” . Program A: Participation fee for the one participant 20 EUR, Soloist 100 EUR, Program B: Participation fee for the one participant 25 EUR, Soloist 100 EUR
After submitted of the application form, the group receives the invoice for the first advance payment 500EUR, which will be including to the original invoice.
Special prizes: GRAND-PRIX CERTIFIKAT FOR THE 3 YEARS FREE PARTICIPATION IN THE ONE OF THE FESTIVALS BY ENDOWMENT FUND INTERNATIONAL YOUTH FORUM! The 1st. Laureates, will get the free tour to the EUROPE FESTIVAL TOURThe winners will be invited to the summer festival in the South Bohemia!
For further information don’t be hesitate to contact us.We are looking forward to meet you in the Czech Republic! Organization board : ENDOWMENT FUND INTERNATIONAL FORUM OF YOUTH - Tatarkova 733/2, 149 00 Praha 4. Сzech Republic Tel: +420 222 240 697, Tel/ Fax: +420 246 037 341 , Fax: + 420 267 911 783E-mail: festival@praha-cz.net ; www.children-festivals.com ; www.plein- air.cz; www.advent-in-prague.cz

Anastasia Drbalova
Folk Tours |
8 Jan 2012
- 14 Jan 2012
Prague – Berlin – Paris – Nuremberg – Decin
Festival -tour performances Sympathy of Euro Parks
Dear friends ,
We invite you to participate in the The Festival -tour performances in the different Euro parks & city’s for the Laureates of the Festivals and new participants.The Sympathy of Euro Parks(Prague – Berlin – Paris – Nuremberg – Decin). From 31st. of March to 6th. of April 2012 Registration deadline 10th. of January; From 5th. of May to 10th. of May 2012 -Registration deadline 28th. of February; From 30th. of May to 6th. of July 2012 -Registration deadline 15th. of March;From 31st. of October to 6th. of November 2012 -Registration deadline: 20th.of September. FREE ENTRANCY FOR PARTICIPANTS TO PARIS DISNEYLAND!
Non-competitive Festival for the participants from 9 to 18 years in the groups of at least 21 participants, including a minimum of 10 performers is held in the following categories: Choreography – groups (folk -ethnic dance, classic – neo-classic dance, Modern Jazz, Tap, Variety Dance, formation in Ballroom & Latin-American dance , disco dance large and small formation, Hip-Hop, Acrobatic Dance ); Musical Theatres Singing (folk, academic, variety, jazz, pop) – groups and choirs ; Singing for the students of music schools (folk, academic, variety) – groups and choirs; Folk instruments – groups (large and small), orchestras ; Instrumental music – groups (Chamber Orchestras, Symphonic Wind Ensembles, Brass orchestras and others) For more questions don’t be hesitate to contact us.We are looking forward to meet you in the Czech Republic!
For further information don’t be hesitate to contact us.We are looking forward to meet you in the Czech Republic! Organization board : ENDOWMENT FUND INTERNATIONAL FORUM OF YOUTH - Tatarkova 733/2, 149 00 Praha 4. Сzech Republic Tel: +420 222 240 697, Tel/ Fax: +420 246 037 341 , Fax: + 420 267 911 783E-mail: festival@praha-cz.net ; www.children-festivals.com ; www.plein- air.cz; www.advent-in-prague.cz

Anastasia Drbalova
3 results, 1 page |
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