Workshops |
17 Aug 2012
- 26 Aug 2012
Pieria, Mt Olympus, Greece
2nd Olympus Greek Dance and Culture Seminar 2012
The seminar will be held in Pieria (the land of the ancient Thracian tribe 'Pieres' and the Muses), on the flanks of Mount Olympus, the mythological residence of the ancient Greek pantheon, and close to the coasts of the blue Aegean Sea.
The seminar will take place from 17 to 26th August 2012, when most traditional feasts ('glendia' or 'panegyria') take place in the area, as well as famous festivals of traditional 'gaida' (bagpipe), and ancient Greek drama festivals in the theatre of Dion, the sacred town of the ancient Macedonians.
The seminar program will offer courses of traditional Greek dances and customs, including women's ritual dances, from different regions (Pontus, Black Sea, Serres, Drama, Pieria and
Olympus) as well as lessons in traditional Greek culture, philosophy, language, music and singing from well-known teachers, researchers and musicians (Yvonne Hunt, Laura Shannon, Giorgos Pavlos, Kostas Nikolaidis, Katerina Asteriou-Kavazi, Vassilis Komatas, Panayotis Pagonidis, Vassilis Gerovasileiou, Lefteris Pavlou, Yannis Kakaras, Panayotis Pavlos, Panos Zikidis).
There will also be special nights of traditional music at the seminar
venue or in villages, where we will have the chance to dance with local people.
Various scenic excursions and cultural tours will give the chance to admire the natural wonders of the sacred Mount Olympus, the legendary burial place of Orpheus and great examples of ancient Greek civilization, music and echnology.
We are expecting you for a unique cultural experience!!!
PLACE: Pieria, Mt Olympus, Greece – around 90 km from Thessaloniki airport (easily reached by train and bus). Participants can also be transferred from the airport to the seminar venue for a small charge.
ACCOMMODATION: to be confirmed soon (half board) – close to the beach!
PRICE: 880 € for early registration (300 € deposit has to be paid by 30 April 2012); and 980 € for late registration from 1st May up to 30 June 2012 (final deadline) - THE NUMBER OF
17 August 2012 – Arrival after 2 pm. Registration after 6 pm. Dinner followed by informal dancing
18-25 August 2012 – Cultural courses, tours and ‘glendia’
25 August 2012 – Closing of the seminar at the famous 4th Gaida Festival of Central Macedonia
26 August 2012 – Departure after breakfast
DANCE COURSES: Pontos (Maten), Black Sea Coast of North Thrace (Bana, special focus on the women's ritual tradition 'Babo' with old women from the village of Kitros), East Macedonia
(villages of the regions Drama and Serres), Central Macedonia (villages of Rachi at Pieria Mountais and Palios Panteleimon at Mount Olympus).
SPECIAL COURSES: Greek language through traditional songs, philosophy and role of dance in the Greek society, original costumes, demonstrations of musical instruments, handcrafting of
traditional dolls, women's ritual dances of Greece, the Balkans and the Near East and their roots in prehistory, different rhythms of three-measure dances
TOURS: archaeological sites, traditional villages, sacred sites and places of natural beauty
MUSICAL NIGHTS: traditional ‘panegyria’ & ‘glendia’, festivals and live music
SEMINAR LANGUAGE: the formal languages of the seminar are English and Greek
CONTACT: Vassilis Gerovasileiou ; (English,
Spanish & Greek) Tel. +30 6977 168 392; Panayotis Pagonidis (English & Greek) Tel. + 30 6973 854 977; Fax + 30 2351 30 787
ORGANIZATION: “Propantos” Seminar Organization Centre & Thrace Treasury -
International Academy of Culture and Communication
2nd Olympus Greek Dance and Culture Seminar 2012
Vassilis Gerovassileiou
Festivals |
20 Aug 2012
- 25 Aug 2012
N.Skioni - Halkidiki / GREECE
IV.Intern.Gogakou Folkdance & Musıc Festıval
Dear Frıends of Culture,
It's great honour for us to invite you to Greece..Prefecture of Skioni
IV.ınternatıonal meeting of Chıldren,Youth and Adult Folkdance Ensembles..For the year 2012 the Festıval will be held in the period from 20- 25 August 2012
The Festıval is open the amateur Folklore Ensembles of Dancing and Music groups with live or recorded music...
x Accomodatıon in a Gogakou Folk Camp.
x Three meals perday / perperson
x No limit on the number of people to partıcıpate in Festıval.
x Free excursions to the seasıde,swimming pool,parties and all camp activites..
x A guıde for each group speaking English.
x Diploma and some gifts for each person
x Normal medical care
Arrıval Date : 20.08.2012 (afternoon)
Dep. Date : 25.08.2012 (After the breakfast)
Full registration / person : 130 Euro...
For each participant team there will be two(2) free of charge..
Best Regards,
Arif Sönmez
Festıval Organıser
The Dırector of Anatolıan Folk Dance group
General Represent. Intern.Groups From Gogakou Camp
@ :

Arif Sönmez