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26 Jun 2013 - 22 Sep 2013
Kamena Vourla - GREECE

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Internatıonal Folk Festıvals


09th - 12th of May 2013.

Age till 16 years old, number of persons is not limited.
Accommodation in hotel *** in Kamena Vourla, in 1/3 and 1/4 rooms, at base of 3 half boards (breakfast and dinner)
Hotel Sissy.. perperson 79 euro..

22nd - 26th of May 2013.

Age till 16 years old, number of persons is not limited.
Accommodation in hotel *** in Kamena Vourla, in 1/3 and 1/4 rooms, at base of 3 half boards (breakfast and dinner)
Hotel Sissy.. perperson 106 euro...

06th - 09th of June 2013

Age till 16 years old, number of persons is not limited.
Accommodation in hotel *** in Kamena Vourla, in 1/3 and 1/4 rooms, at base of 3 half boards (breakfast and dinner)
Hotel Sissy.. perperson 82 euro...

26th - 30th of June 2013.

Age till 16 years old, number of persons is not limited.
Accommodation in hotel *** in Kamena Vourla, in 1/3 and 1/4 rooms, at base of 3 half boards (breakfast and dinner)
Hotel Sissy.. perperson 108 euro...

03rd - 10th of July 2013.

Age till 16 years old, number of persons is not limited.
Accommodation in hotel *** in Kamena Vourla, in 1/3 and 1/4 rooms, at base of 3 half boards (breakfast and dinner)
Hotel Sissy.. perperson 189 euro...

23rd - 30th of August 2013

Age till 16 years old, number of persons is not limited.
Accommodation in hotel *** in Kamena Vourla, in 1/3 and 1/4 rooms, at base of 3 half boards (breakfast and dinner)
Hotel Sissy.. perperson 198 euro...

19th - 22nd of Septeber 2013

Age till 16 years old, number of persons is not limited.
Accommodation in hotel *** in Kamena Vourla, in 1/3 and 1/4 rooms, at base of 3 half boards (breakfast and dinner)
Hotel Sissy.. perperson 79 euro..



30th of May - 2nd of June 2013.

Age till 14 - 28 years old, number of persons is not limited.
Accommodation in hotel *** in Kamena Vourla, in 1/3 and 1/4 rooms, at base of 3 half boards (breakfast and dinner)
Hotel Sissy.. perperson 79 euro..

13th - 16th of June 2013.

Age till 14 - 28 years old, number of persons is not limited.
Accommodation in hotel *** in Kamena Vourla, in 1/3 and 1/4 rooms, at base of 3 half boards (breakfast and dinner)
Hotel Sissy.. perperson 79 euro..

30th of June – 3rd of July 2013.

Age till 14 - 28 years old, number of persons is not limited.
Accommodation in hotel *** in Kamena Vourla, in 1/3 and 1/4 rooms, at base of 3 half boards (breakfast and dinner)
Hotel Sissy.. perperson 86 euro..

10th - 17th of July 2013

Age till 14 - 28 years old, number of persons is not limited.
Accommodation in hotel *** in Kamena Vourla, in 1/3 and 1/4 rooms, at base of 3 half boards (breakfast and dinner)
Hotel Sissy.. perperson 197 euro..

08th - 16th of August 2013

Age till 14 - 28 years old, number of persons is not limited.
Accommodation in hotel *** in Kamena Vourla, in 1/3 and 1/4 rooms, at base of 3 half boards (breakfast and dinner)
Hotel Sissy.. perperson 235 euro..

Contact : Arif Sönmez turkei_iov@yahoo.com 00905346001879

Applıcatıon Form

Arif Sönmez
25 Aug 2013 - 1 Sep 2013

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The festival is held for eleventh time , to this moment in the festival took part more than 100 folklore ensembles from 25 countries and from 5 continents.
The festival is part of a series of events in the program of the Festival season 2013, it’s organizing in Sofia and Primorsko.
The festivals are included in the cultural program of Primorsko with the assistance of the mayor of the municipality.
The festival has the objective to give a chance for expression on a significant number of children and young people and help raise their motivation to engage in constructive creative activity as a preventive measure in combating the vicious addictions (cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, etc.) and aggression.
Exchange of information and creative achievements of the dance styles.
Deadline for submission of application form: - to 10.04.2013;
Type of the festival: The festival don’t have competitive character.

In the festival can participate folklore dance and vocal groups, instrumental players and solo-singers.
The number of the groups, including accompanying persons should not be over 35 people.
Participants should be between 14 and 25 years old.
To participate, you must to fill (Application form) consisting of:
1. Entertaining history of the ensemble
2. Performing video record
3. Color photos and advertising materials
4. Precise address, phone number, fax and e-mail to keep up a correspondence with you

The programs for individual participation and these for the festival days will be given in the day of the arrival of the groups.
The organizers reserve the rights to change the programs, if it’s necessary.
The program of every group must to include solo concert, and participation in the mixed concerts with duration from 5 to 30 minutes.
It’s recommended for the groups to be presented with live orchestra, but if it isn’t possible they can use CD or mini CD with studio recording music.
During the festival the concerts and the competition nights are on open summer stage in Primorsko and Kiten and on open stages in the area of the municipality.
It is envisaged a festive parade before the start of the concerts in each of the festival days.
It is envisaged during the festival days video and photo capture of the performances, which will be published in the website of Eurogarde- www.eurogradebg.com.
(The organizers reserve the right of any kind of recording, filming, broadcasting and distributing of the material without paying for rights and benefits.)
During the festival is provided for the participants accommodation in hotel two stars, on the base of full board in city Primorsko against payment.
For all participants of the festival has the following entertainments: Disco, Neptun’ s night, Miss and Mister Festival.
The organizers reserve the rights to change the programs, if it’s necessary.

Festival fee / 8 days, 7 nights/ - inquire for actual offer and details on email: office@eurogradebg.com
Transportation costs to Primorsko and back shall be paid by the participants!!!
Transport costs for the participants during the festival of the stages in Primorsko and Kiten are for the cost of the organizers.
The fees obligatory must to be paid by bank transfer in 15 days, after the confirmation for participation from the organizers. In this period it is necessary to send the transfer confirmation by email or fax. Applications without confirmation are canceled.
Information about the bank transfer is:
BULBANK PLC Commercial Bank, Central Branch, 7 Sveta Nedelya Sq., 1000 Sofia, Bulgaria
BIC (Bank Identifier Code): UNCRBGSF Bank Accounts/ IBAN/: BG85UNCR70001520484598 Account Holder: EUROGRADE LTD
NOTE!!! For receiving invoice, please send us this information: Name of the person which send the money, or organization, company, identification number or personal number, address, and the name of the owner of the company.

Note: The groups must to arrive on 25.08 after 14 o’clock and to depart on 01.09.13 after breakfast.
The quote for participation in the festival is for 15 groups – one from country

Dimitar Todorov

President of the “Association Bulgarian folklore”
Manager of „ EUROGRADE” Ltd.

Tatyna Todorova
26 Aug 2013 - 2 Sep 2013

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26 AUGUST to 02 SEPTEMBER 2013

We will organize, from 26 August to 02 September 2013, the 3d International Culture Festival named as “EARTHDANCERS”.

1. The ensembles wishing to participate in the 3d International Culture Festival should send the application form no later than 6 May 2013 by post to the address:
“International Culture Festival”
Panagiotis Bitakos
19 Averof Str. / Agios Stefanos / 14565
Greece / Hellas
2. We also request to send us with the application form, short CV of the ensemble, high quality colour photos for the catalogue and recent DVD with ensemble’s performance not shorter than 15 minutes. Organizers keep all rights for video and audio records, TV broadcasts and program of the manifestation.
3. It is possible for each country to send more than one group in order to participate to the Festival.
4. Up to the end of May 2013 the Organizing Committee will send official invitations to the ensembles, with the approval of the participation in the Festival.
5. The Organizing Committee will send the schedule for each country with the performances of the ensemble up to 15 August 2013. A similar schedule for the whole Festival period will be given to the ensemble at their arrival in Athens.

a. It is only required from the participants to pay 100 Euro per person as a participation fee.
b. The number of participants must not to be more than 35 persons, including accompanying people and drivers. Groups over 35 persons will not be admitted. The participation fee must be paid to the Organizing Committee on 26 August 2013 (euro in cash). We would like to inform you that the leader of your group and one driver are free of charge.
c. The Organizing Committee organizes for the ensembles their accommodation and three meals per day.
d. The accommodation will be in a camp in rooms for 4, 6, 7 or 8 persons.

The traveling expenses to and from Municipality of Athens are the participants’ responsibility.
1. The Festival expects the arrival of the ensembles in Athens on 26 August 2013 afternoon.
2. For the groups that will arrive in Greece by plane, the transportation to and from the airport and local as well, during the Festival, will be provided by the Organizing Committee of the International Culture Festival.
3. The groups, which will arrive in Athens by their own buses, will use these buses for all local transportations throughout the Festival program.
4. The ensembles, from countries which need a visa to enter in Greece, have to send their list of participants up to 20 June 2013 at the latest.
5. The Festival will provide a guide-interpreter (speaking English) for each ensemble, who will accompany the ensemble during the whole Festival period.
6. The Festival does not undertake to provide accommodation and meals after the end of the Festival. The groups should leave the camp on 02 September 2013 after breakfast.

1. Performer’s age must be over 18 years old.
2. Groups arrive in Athens on afternoon on 26 August 2013 and depart from Athens after breakfast on 02 September 2013.
3. The ensemble is obliged to have a medical insurance for the members of the group during the Festival period. The lack of such a document will cause problems to Organizer in case of emergency.
4. The organizers are not responsible for any damage, which might occur to the participants or to their belongings. In case of an accident or need for an emergent medical treatment, all medical and other expenses will be paid by the participant or the participant’s insurance.
5. The Festival expects ensemble to give one or two performances daily and appear at various promotional events in Athens and the suburban areas. The ensembles are expected to be ready to take part in the Festival Programmes with two different performances respectively for the Opening and Closing Ceremonies up to 6 minutes, fragment performances for the processions 3 to 5 minutes and performances 30 to 40 minutes.
6. The ensemble must bring a national flag of its country.
7. The ensemble should perform under the accompaniment of live or recorded music. The Festival will provide sound equipment whenever appropriate.
8. The participant groups will perform only in shows arranged by the Organizing Committee of the International Culture Festival. The groups must participate in all activities of the Festival. The Organization Committee can change the dates, times and the number of the performances.
9. The Festival provides for all groups spare time for rest. Cultural and tourist programme will be proposed to participants.
10. All groups will receive gifts for their participation. An exchange of souvenirs, during the Opening and Closing Ceremony, with the organizers and local authorities is expected.
11. The Director of the ensemble is responsible for the discipline of the group’s members.
12. All the participant groups must agree these general terms and conditions.

We will be very happy to see your ensemble in our
3d International Culture Festival

Yours sincerely,

Bitakos Panagiotis
President of the Organization Committee
Artistic Director of the Festival


North Macedonia
3 Sep 2013

Balkanfolk Calendar
6 Sep 2013 - 9 Sep 2013

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With international participation
Primorsko - 06.09 - 08.09.2013
It’s organized by: EUROGRADE Ltd, EUROGRADE BG Ltd, Association Bulgarian folklore with the assistance of Municipality Primorsko.
The festival is part of a series of events in the program of the Festival season 2013, it’s organizing in Sofia and Primorsko.
The festivals are included in the cultural program of Primorsko with the assistance of the mayor of the municipality.
The festival has the objective to give a chance for expression on a significant number of children and young people and help raise their motivation to engage in constructive creative activity as a preventive measure in combating the vicious addictions (cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, etc.) and aggression.
Type of the festival: the festival has competitive character.
Deadline for submission of application form to 10.06.2013

In the festival can participate folklore dance and vocal groups, instrumental players and solo-singers from the below written age groups.
It’s not allowed author arrangements.
Instrumental groups and accompaniments- only from folklore instruments and their variations.
The presentation of the folklore from the region and country is allowed only in full authentic costume.

- Age group from 08 to 11
- Age group from 12 to 16
- Age group from 17 to 25
- Adult up to 25
70 % from the participants in some of the age groups must to answer to the age limit

Competent jury will evaluate and rank the participants in the following competitive categories:
- Singers (with or without accompaniment) – to 6 minutes
- Instrumentalist – to 8 minutes
- Youth groups for authentic folklore– vocal, instrumental, mixed,dance and for folklore traditions- to 10 minutes
- Traditional costumes- from different folklore regions, epoch, ferial and festive;
- Theatre of the fashion- youth fashion by ideas and motifs from the folklore
Requirements: Brief annotation of the costume / collection.The presentation must to be accompanied from performance with live music or phonogram of authentic music.
Criteria for evaluation:
- Style and character
- Authenticity
- Spirituality, artistry and mood of the performances
The competition of the festival will be held on open stage in city Primorsko, the hall of the hotel “ Primary” or in the cultural centre of the city.
It is envisaged a festive parade before the start of the concerts in each of the festival, exhibitions - bazaar of souvenirs, a meeting with the municipality administration, video and photo capture of the performances.
(The organizers reserve the right of any kind of recording, filming, broadcasting and distributing of the material without paying for rights and benefits.)
The programs for individual participation and these for the festival days will be given in the day of the arrival of the groups. The organizers reserve the rights to change the programs, if it’s necessary.
During the festival is provided for the participants accommodation in hotel two stars, on the base of full board in city Primorsko against payment.
For all the participants are provided diploma for participation.
To participate, you must to fill (Application form) consisting of:Entertaining history of the ensemble;
precise address, phone number, fax and e-mail to keep up a correspondence with you, number of participants, list of the group, list of the participants in the festival.
In the application you must to fill too, the program of the group with the duration of the performances.
To the application form, if it’s possible, you can attach video recording of the group, colour photos and advertising materials.
Festival fee / 4 days, 3 nights/ - inquire for actual offer and details on email: office@eurogradebg.com
The minimal time for participation towards the program of the competition is 3 days.
Transportation costs to Primorsko and back shall be paid by the participants!!!
Transport costs for the participants during the festival of the stages in Primorsko and Kiten are for the cost of the organizers.
The fees obligatory must to be paid by bank transfer in 15 days, after the confirmation for participation from the organizers. In this period it is necessary to send the transfer confirmation by email or fax. Applications without confirmation are canceled.
Information about the bank transfer is:
BULBANK PLC Commercial Bank, Central Branch, 7 Sveta Nedelya Sq., 1000 Sofia, Bulgaria
BIC (Bank Identifier Code): UNCRBGSF Bank Accounts/ IBAN/: BG85UNCR70001520484598 Account Holder: EUROGRADE LTD
NOTE!!! For receiving invoice, please send us this information: Name of the person which send the money, or organization, company, identification number or personal number, address, and the name of the owner of the company.

All the participants will receive diploma for participation.
Dimitar Todorov
President of the “Association Bulgarian folklore”
and Manager of „ EUROGRADE” Ltd.
Bulgaria, 1000 Sofia, 4 Washington Str., phone: +359 2 9806076, mobile phone. +359 889 309 390
www.eurogradebg.com; emails: abf@dir.bg; office@eurogradebg.com; todorova@eurogradebg.com

Tatyna Todorova
13 Sep 2013 - 15 Sep 2013
De Glind

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Venster op het Oosten

Every year, this weekend has a lot of balkan music workshops you can choose about. There will be a workshop especially for singer and one for learning to play balkanmusic. Otherwise you can take part in a real balkan big band or in a real music labatory too!

Stichting Volksmuziek Nederland
17 Sep 2013 - 22 Sep 2013
Neos Maramaras, Sithonia, Chalkidiki, Greece

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XIII International Folk Music and Dance Festival NEOS MARMARAS CUP 2013

International Folklore Music and Dance Festival ’’NEOS MARMARAS CUP 2013.’’ is being held for the 12th time, under the patronage of the Neos Marmaras municipality. It is gathering folk dance groups and music bands from all over the world, who like to meet new people and spend holiday week in Greece, singing and dancing together.

Festival organizers are Municipality of Neos Marmaras, Mayor Mr.Georgios A.Kaplanis, and PARADISO Club Travel Agency, Belgrade, Serbia.

Festival is competitive and is open for all groups, no age limit. Winners will be awarded by special cups and medals. Propositions of the festival competition will be sent to groups later.

Competition part of the festival is not obligatory, only for groups that apply. All other groups take part in the review night.

There will be 5 winning categories: best performance-dancing, best orchestra-music, best choir-singing, best costumes, best scenery.

Also, there will be some ’’friendly’’ awards: best animation, most cheerful group, etc.

Groups will have two performances at the festival. Each group has to prepare 5-15 min. of quality program. Performances are on the open air stages, concrete.

It is not necessary to have live music. It is also allowed to perform using CD, but it has to be of a good quality recording.

Accommodation of participating groups is organized in the 3 star hotels, in apartments and studios with 3 and 4 beds in rooms, with bathroom, TV, refrigerator, on a half board basis (breakfast and dinner-open buffet). For double rooms there are additional fees.

Each group will get diploma for the participation to the festival, as well as DVD from the festival after the festival is finished.

Every group will get official brochure of the festival with the presentation of the participating groups, in English.

The group has to bring its national flag and board with the group name for the parade.

If the weather is nice for swimming, every group has to take care about their member safety.

Every group must have one English speaking person. Organizer will give an English speaking guide for every group who will be responsible for contact 24h a day.

Number of participating groups is limited for each festival, so the places will be given to the groups who send their pre-payment first - 20€ per person (this amount is not refundable if the group cancels their participation).

Each group has 1 free place for 25 persons who pay.

The groups have to organize their travel to and from Neos Marmaras.

For the groups that are coming with their own bus there is a free parking place in the hotel area.

For the groups that are coming by plane, the organizers provide transfers for the performances free of charge.

Also we can provide airport transfers (on group request we will send the offer). The nearest airport is Thessalloniki and the bus price depends on the number of people in the group, approx. 30eur per person, return ticket.

If group needs visa, it is responsibility of the group to arrange it!
Organizers can only give invitation letter to groups and can not interfere to visa issuing process and make extra contacts to embassies.

The groups are recommended to have insurance policy for all their members.

Application form, together with 2-3 group photos and short biography, should be sent latest until 31.January 2013.
Contact person: Mrs.Dragana Mirkovic,
e-mail. myfolkfest@gmail.com, tel.+381 63 340 770

For festival in May, pre-payment (20eur per person) should be done latest till 15th February 2013.
For festival in September, pre-payment (20eur per person) should be done latest till 15th April 2013.

Payment details will be sent to you after receiving your application form. Please take care that this amount of 20eur per person is not refundable if the group cancels its participation.

105 eur per person
five -5- days on a half board basis in 3 star hotels
breakfast and dinner - open buffet
(with traditional Greek dishes)

- family hotels that have 3 and 4 beds apartments, with bathroom, TV, refrigerator, WiFi
- apartments with 3 beds have one room and one bathroom
- apartments with 4 beds have two separate double rooms and one bathroom
- each group (depending on the number of people) will get 2 or 3 double rooms without additional payment (for group leaders and drivers)
- for extra double rooms (if the group needs) there is additional fee of 10eur per person for the whole period
- for single rooms there is additional fee of 40eur per person for the whole period

There is a possibility to extend your staying, if you wish, under the special festival conditions, which is 21 eur per person for each extra day (half board basis, breakfast and dinner - open buffet).

The organizer keeps right to change the festival program.
Final program will be given to groups upon their arrival to the hotel.
1.day around 14h, arrival of groups, check in to hotels
(first meal is dinner)
free day / swimming, walking, sports

2.day 10h BREAKFAST with MAYOR – gift exchange
group representative and 1 pair in costume
19h PARADE – short defile walking and short presentations
opening ceremony
performances of the groups – review night

3.day free day
ship cruise around Chalkidiki, Toroneos islands (optional, for the groups that wish)

4.day 19h PARADE – short defile walking and short presentations
performances of the groups – competition night
closing and award ceremony

5.day free day
optional, for the groups that wish, excursion to Thessalloniki, panoramic sightseeing, going to famous ”MAGIC PARK” and shopping mall ’’COSMOS’’

gift exchange between groups and organizers

6.day departure of the groups, after breakfast
latest till 12h check out from hotels

excursions are not included in the price - festival fee


Dragana Mirkovic
27 Sep 2013

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V INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL'' KUD BISER 2014''Folklore groups, orchestras, majorettes, modern dance groups, choirs, music bands

Cultural Art and Society BISER will hold
The Festival will be held in two intervals such as:

• First term is from 5th till 9th February 2014
• Second term is from 6th till 10th August 2014

The first term is from 5th till 9th February

The participants will, beside the regular part of Festival (performing the choreography) have opportunity to meet the legal authorities in the whole Canton, visit to the Premier of Canton, exchange of presents, meeting the traditional cuisine of Canton starting with Bosnian stew, old traditional pies, sweets, pastries, etc.
The participants will also have opportunity to be informed about the cultural events of town Velika Kladusa.
The participants will have one day of association with all cultural and sports clubs in Velika Kladusa, such as sledging, making Snow man, different shapes and structures made of snow (cars, tree).
During the Festival will be organized two parties where at the first one, the participants should learn one of the traditional dances and second party will be to visit Disco club.
The second term is from 6th till 10th August 2014
The participants will participate in Una regatta in place Bihac, to try Rottary train /to visit one part of Una Sana Canton by train/.
One day will be reserved for visiting swimming pool in place called Coralici.
• Velika Kladusa is located in North-West part of Una Sana Canton, BiH. The closest border is Croatia, the nearest towns are Bihac (USC), Karlovac (Croatia).
Velika Kladusa is town with 50,000 inhabitants with developed cultural lives, known factories such as ‘Agrokomerc’ /famous biscuit TOPS/, ‘Sanitex’ /medical products, gaze, shampoo/, Grupex, constructional items, rich night life, a lot of disco clubs.
People of town are friendly and willing to share and learn other traditions, open-minded.

• Cultural Association Biser organizes the Festival on the different way. We attempt that a dancer-group do what they are suppose to do - to dance. We do not want that our participants make performances in market centers, at the squares. We do not want that our dancers feel exploited. We have visited a lot of festivals where it happened that we performed in the market places for our donators and so on. During our Festival, your only role is to be dancers, to represent a part of your cultural treasure, to be the ambassadors of your country on the places which are for that.
Our Festival starts with big parade where participate everyone not only cultural clubs but also all those people who feel young, all sport clubs and so on.

At the Youth’s square the Festival dance will be held where all groups participate and after the parade we all go to the sports hall where follows opening and the presentation of all participants of the 5th International Festival.

During the festival, the participants will be able to visit all Una Sana Canton, starting with town Velika Kladusa, Cazin, Bihać, Bosanska Krupa, Bosanska Otoka, Ključ. They will see the colorful landscape, the cleanest river in Europe, the river Una, drive by railway Rotary Club, attend to one of Una regatta white-water rafting and kayaking/canoeing, etc.

Velika Kladusa,
http://www.velikakladusa.gov.ba/ba/index.php http://www.bhtourism.ba/eng/velikakladusa.wbsp



Bosanska Krupa, http://www.opcinabosanskakrupa.ba/index.php?option=com_google&view=standard&id=1

Bosanska Otoka,


They will see the colorful landscape, the cleanest river in Europe, the river Una, drive by railway Rotary Club,

attend to one of Una regatta white-water rafting and kayaking/canoeing, etc.

Special offer for all those who wants more to see in US Canton:

-Rafting - place Kostela – Grmuša 15 km
Water temperature 2-3 degrees with a lot of rapids and downpour/falls
Rafting takes three hours on this path and we propose this path for all those who like white-water rafting with less adrenaline. 25 Euro for rafting, you get equipment: waterproof suit, boots, anorak, helmet, insurance and skipper. After rafting, we usually offer the Bosnian meal called ‘Bosanski lonac’ at the same end near river Una and ‘hurmašica’ – date-shaped Turkish pastry with price. In the evening, we suggest music. After picnic will be a party with alive music till late in the night, under ‘Bosanski šadrvan’ – as a tent, which is placed at the same winning post of rafting.

- Extra going to a Swimming pool ‘Ćoralići’ at the price of 2 Euro

We ask groups to inform us if they want to participate in rafting!

more info :info@ukudbiser.com

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