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19 Sep 2016 - 19 Oct 2016

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Balkanfolk Calendar
12 Oct 2016 - 16 Oct 2016

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Dear friends,

Udbhav is the leading organization of sports & cultural activities in India. Every year we organize an International dance festival in Gwalior ( INDIA ). We would like to invite dance groups from all over the globe to take part in the in our dance festival " UDBHAV UTSAV.The festival would be organized in the historical city Gwalior. The city is famous for music & dance, fort, palace and many other historical monuments.One of the 8 wonders of the world, The Taj Mahal ( AGRA ) is situated near by Gwalior
DATE - 12 TO 16TH OCTOBER 2016

1.Arrival in festival city Gwalior on 12th Morning. And departure from festival city on 17th Morning.
2.3 meals per day. Meals will start from the lunch of 12th October and will end with the breakfast fo 17th.
3.All the groups will cover their own travel expenses up to Gwalior railway station / airport and back.
4.Festival committee will receive the groups at Gwalior railway station / airport.
5.All groups will get an English speaking guide in capital New Delhi (airport) who will assist them to take train or flight to Gwalior.
6.The festival organizing committee can arrange a transfer in Capital new Delhi. From Airport to Railway station/Domestic Airport and vice versa. On the request of the groups. The cost of transfer will be covered by the groups.
7.If the groups interested, festival committee can arrange the Delhi-Gwalior-Delhi tickets by train .The cost of the tickets will be paid by the groups at time of arrival in Gwalior. Gwalior is at 325 kms from Delhi. Frequent train services are available.
8.All the groups would be responsible for the confirmation of their journey tickets. Festival committee will not be responsible for any confirmation of journey tickets.
9.The festival committee will provide English speaking guide. One English knowing person is compulsory in each group.
10.Group members must be of the age of 10+
11.One official free for 20 members group.( 20+1).Maximum 20+1 members allowed.
12.Music may be live or on good recorded c.d
13.Schools, amateur groups, dance institutions are welcomed.
14.Overseas health insurance is must.
15.Professional groups not permitted
16. Transportation in festival city will be arranged by the organizing committee
17. Local sight scenes will be arranged by the festival committee.
18. The festival committee covers the cost of the tickets of the historical places in the city.
19. Each participant will receive certificate ( Diploma ) and each group will receive a memento/souvenir
20. During festival groups will perform 4-6 items of 6-8 minutes each.( for groups).
21. There is no provision of liqueur in the meals.
22. Groups can book tours to Agra.The city of "Taj Mahal-(One of the 8 wonders of the world") ,capital New Delhi, World famous city Jaipur, khajuraho and many other touristic places ,at reasonable costs
23.Accommodation -1) International Hostel - with 3 Indian meals 75 Euro per person for full festival period. 2) 300 Euro per person. ( Breakfast in hotel ,Lunch & dinner at different places)
For participation, Please send group pictures, videos and a brief note about the group by e mail .

For any query or information please write,

Hope to see you in INDIA

Deepak Tomar Deepak
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