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15 Jul 2020
Military Academy Park - Sofia, Bulgaria

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Nina Nikolina Jazz&Ethno

На 15 юли, Сцена парк Военна Академия е домакин на концерта на Нина Николина „Етно Джаз Проект” на който ще е премиерата на песента „„Тебе да вземем“.

Нина Николина „Етно Джаз Проект” е с неподражаем стил, който включва български народни песни, които са погледнати по различен от традиционния начин, събиращ фолклор, етноджаз, фламенко и вокални и инструментални импровизации.

На сцената с Нина Николина ще се качат виртуозните музиканти - Калин Вельов барабани и перкусии, Мартин Ташев тромпет и вокал, Ясен Велчев клавишни, Таня Първанова вокал.
В репертоара са включени песните от първия концертен албум на изпълнителката „Нина Николина LIVE JAZZ & TRADITIONS“ - „Излел е Дельо“, „ Лале ли си, зюмбюл ли си“, „Назад, назад, моме Калино“, „Майстор Манол“ , “Свети Георги“, „ Пиринска Трилогия “ - /“Пуста младост“, „Еленко”, “Катерино Моме”/ , „Гюл девойкя“, представени в модерен микс от етно и джаз. Освен тях в концерта са включени песните - „Ти“ – хит на десетилетието , който звучи като саундтрак на холивудските филми, ползващи нашите народни песни и македонската народната песен „Яна“.
Нина Николина „Етно Джаз Проект” е инспириран от Златните хитове на българския песенен фолклор, на световно ниво, с висока класа и неподражаем стил. Неподражаемият глас на Нина Николина с акапелни изпълнения, вокалните импровизации във фламенко стил на Мартин Ташев, редкият нисък алт на Таня Първанова и соловите партии на виртуозните музиканти правят концертите им уникални.
Концертът с ефектна мултимедия.

Събитието във Фейсбук
Билети: Ticketportal

Етно Джаз Проект - концерт на Нина Николина

Balkanfolk Calendar
15 Jul 2020 - 18 Jul 2020
Web Edition

Web Site
24th International Folklore Festival Vitosha - Web Edition

The 24th edition of the Vitosha International Folklore Festival will take place between July 15th and 18th in Sofia. The summer, colorful event of the capital, which we have enjoyed for many years, was faced with challenges, but also new opportunities. That is why the organizers found a different solution, continuing the tradition in an innovative way - you will see this year's edition in Web version, which in accordance with the 24th edition, will be attended by 24 countries from five continents!

Live performances, videos of participations, international jury, native performers, parade in the city center, spectacular concerts of the hosts of the Folk Dance Ensemble "Sofia-6" and the State Ensemble for Folk Songs and Dances "Pirin" are just some of the experiences that they are waiting for us.

Vitosha International Folklore Festival

Viewers will be able to watch the festival performances every night from 18:30 live on the A6 platform behind the National Palace of Culture building or online from 20:00 on the Facebook page of the Festival, the specially created Youtube channel and on the page of Joker Media Rental. We will be online, we will be Web Edition.

Part of the uniqueness of the festival is the competition "Moma Vita and momak Lyulin".

Facebook: International Folklore Festival Vitosha

You Tube: International Folklore Festival VITOSHA

Instagram: festivalvitosha

Balkanfolk Calendar
19 Jul 2020
You Tube

Web Site
Bulgarian Folk Ensembles Bulgare, Sedenchitsa, Svetlina

Balkanfolk together with the Bulgarian Dance Art Foundation will present the folk ensembles participating in the Folk Dance Panorama 2019 within a week.

Today these are:

Bulgare National Folklore Ensemble
Sedenchitsa Folklore ensemble, Plovdiv
Svetlina Dance Ensemble, Sofia

Bulgarian Folk Ensembles Bulgare, Sedenchitsa, Svetlina

"Trakiiska kartina"
choreography: Hristo Dimitrov, music: Milcho Vasilev
performed by Bulgare National Folklore Ensemble

"Shopska zakachka"
choreography: Ivan Ivanov and Neli Karabahchieva, music: Dimitar Hristov
performed by Sedenchitsa Folklore Ensemble, Plovdiv

choreography: Georgi Pankov, music: Traditional
performed by Svetlina Dance Ensemble, Sofia

Balkanfolk Calendar
20 Jul 2020
You Tube

Web Site
Bulgarian Folklore Ensembles Folklorika, Stanimaka, Ognenite

Balkanfolk together with the Bulgarian Dance Art Foundation will present the folk ensembles participating in the Folk Dance Panorama 2019 within a week.

Today these are:

11:00 AM - Folklorika Folklore Ensemble, Sofia
11:30 AM - Stanimaka Dance Ensemble, Asenovgrad
12:00 AM - Ognenite Folklore Ensemble, Busmantsi

Bulgarian Folklore Ensembles Folklorika, Stanimaka, Ognenite

"Pesni i igri ot Transko"
choreography: Elena Gyurova, music: Mikhail Yordanov
performed by Folklorika Folklore Ensemble, Sofia

"Smesen shopski tants"
choreography: Nadezhda Batinkova, music: Georgi Andreev
performed by Stanimaka Dance Ensemble, Asenovgrad

"Smesen shopski tants"
choreography: Radi Radev, music: Boyan Nankov
performed by Ognenite Folklore Ensemble, Busmantsi

Balkanfolk Calendar
21 Jul 2020
You Tube

Web Site
Bulgarian Folklore Ensembles Gorna Banya, Zornitsa, Vihren

Balkanfolk together with the Bulgarian Dance Art Foundation will present the folk ensembles participating in the Folk Dance Panorama 2019 within a week.

Today these are:

11:00 AM - Gorna banya Folklore Ensemble, Sofia
11:30 AM - Zornitsa Folklore Ensemble, Sofia
12:00 AM - Vihren Pirin's Dance Ensemble, Blagoevgrad

Bulgarian Folklore Ensembles Gorna Banya, Zornitsa, Vihren

"Severnyashki tants"
choreography: Desislav Mihaylov, music: Evgeni Eremiev
performed by Gorna banya Folklore Ensemble, Sofia

"Shopska syuita"
choreography: Metodi Kutev, music: Yordan Draganov
performed by Zornitsa Folklore Ensemble, Sofia

choreography: Georgi Hinov, music: Kiril Stefanov
performed by Vihren Pirin's Dance Ensemble, Blagoevgrad

Balkanfolk Calendar
22 Jul 2020
You Tube

Web Site
Bulgarian Folklore Ensembles Balgarani, Paldin, Bogovitsa

Balkanfolk together with the Bulgarian Dance Art Foundation will present the folk ensembles participating in the Folk Dance Panorama 2019 within a week.

Today these are:

11:00 AM - Balgarani Folklore Ensemble, Sofia
11:30 AM - Paldin Student's Dance Ensemble, Plovdiv
12:00 AM - Bogovitsa Folklore Ensemble, Sofia

Bulgarian Folklore Ensembles Balgarani, Paldin, Bogovitsa

"Shopski lazarki"
staging: Vladimir Nedev, music: Traditional
performed by Balgarani Folklore Ensemble, Sofia

"Tantsi ot Varnensko"
choreography: Svilen Hristov, music: Kalo[n Vasilev
performed by Paldin Student's Dance Ensemble, Plovdiv

"Trakiiska nazdravitsa"
choreography: Dimitar Dimitrov, music: Zhivka Klinkova
performed by Bogovitsa Folklore Ensemble, Sofia

Balkanfolk Calendar
23 Jul 2020
You Tube

Bulgarian Folklore Ensembles Elika, Shevitsa, Dilyanka

Balkanfolk together with the Bulgarian Dance Art Foundation will present the folk ensembles participating in the Folk Dance Panorama 2019 within a week.

Today these are:

11:00 AM - Elika Folklore Ensemble, Plovdiv
11:30 AM - Shevitsa Folklore Ensemble, Sofia
12:00 AM - Dilyanka Folklore Dance Ensemble, Plovdiv

Bulgarian Folk Ensembles Elika, Shevitsa, Dilyanka

"Trakiiski tants"
choreography: Pavel Zlatev, music: Stefan Dragostinov
performed by Elika Folklore Ensemble, Plovdiv

choreography: Metodi Kutev, music: Hristo Todorov
performed by Shevitsa Folklore Ensemble, Sofia

"Ruschikliiska praznichna syuita"
choreography: Ivan Donev, music: Velichko Minchev
performed by Dilyanka Folklore Dance Ensemble, Plovdiv

Balkanfolk Calendar
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